Europeans pay big for beastiality at barnyard brothels


Here a Danish animal owner offers his horse to a Danish journalist claiming to be interested in animal sex.

Animal bordellos draw Norwegians

Denmark’s animal bordellos reportedly draw Norwegian clients, but both countries have loopholes that make such establishments legal.

Neither Denmark nor Norway has a prohibition on sex with animals, as long as the animals do not suffer.

On the Internet Danish animal owners advertise openly that they offer sex with animals, without intervention from police or other authorities, Danish newspaper 24timer reports.

In correspondence with the animal owners, the newspaper was told that the animals involved have many years of experience and that the animals themselves wanted sex. The cost to the client varied from DKK 500-1,000 (USD 85-170).

Europeans pay big for barnyard sex

It’s legal – and it doesn’t scare the horses, say customers, animal houses of ill repute
Is it just the latest alternate lifestyle?

Denmark’s animal bordellos – in which people pay for sex with horses and other beasts – are advertising on the ‘Net and drawing customers from as far away as Norway, Germany, Holland and Sweden.

As long as no one gets hurt – including the animals – Denmark won’t prosecute. Neither Denmark and Norway have any laws banning the practice of bestiality – at least not yet.

The proprietors – and presumably customers as well – have convinced themselves and the governments involved that the animals are experienced and welcome the chance for this intimate interaction with another species.

PETA says barnyard brothels ‘revolting’

Animal bordellos in Denmark, where customers pay for sex with animals, are “revolting,” according to a spokesman for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. “It takes what’s good and decent and is mutilating it,” Martin Mersereau, who manages the group’s domestic animal abuse section, told WND.

But what’s really terrifying is that half of the U.S. states don’t have bans on such activity, and when cases arise PETA has to use animal cruelty bans to pursue them, he said. Denmark’s animal bordellos have been advertising on the ‘Net and reportedly draw customers from as far away as Norway, Germany, Holland and Sweden who want to pay for sex with horses and other beasts.

Denmark says it isn’t illegal there and it won’t prosecute as long as no one – including the animals – is hurt.
Mersereau said just because there’s been publicity about such facilities in Denmark who are “catering to those kinds of sickos,” that doesn’t mean those activities aren’t happening elsewhere.

155 responses to “Europeans pay big for beastiality at barnyard brothels

  1. And the Eurotards put down Americans. At least in the US if you get caught fucking an animal you GO TO JAIL. What a bunch of perverted Eurodickheads.

  2. Pingback: Phoenix Lafferty

  3. Tell me whats wrong with beastiality? The animal is not harmed nor forced, zoophilas treat there animals
    way better then non-zoos, there mates not pets and most zoo’s will never discared them just because they have been rejected. For example horses, zoo’s that love horses will never send them to the slaughter house thats just sick ! after all the horses have done for us in the past and this is how we repay them no use kill them and eat!

    “Every step a man makes there is hoof prints walking along aside man”

  4. TURN TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yes, turn to god and tell him/her to stay the fuck out of my life!

  6. Just as gays have been and are still being victimised for being a minority, so too but even more for zoophiles

  7. Maybe they are lovers? Horse got headace then man goes bordellos… KILL THEM ALL!

  8. skepticaldemocrat

    Sex with animals is legal… What a sick and decadent world we live in. And there are liberaloid retards like Spirit and Bripan defendig it (“what`s wrong with bestiality?” is a question that only a retard moron would aks)

  9. gayanimallover

    Im sooooo pleased there is a place that this is legal. Denmarks got the right idea, we should follow their example to us all.

    Most people worry about other peoples pleasures and forget entirely about thier own and waste thier lives trying to stop us, its insane since most of the people eat products that are made from different animals.

    The animals killed to make food often suffer so much in the process and ultimatly die, its depressing. I would love to communicate with the animal on the next level. If people dont like it, then why even try to change our ways, it wont work! There will always be a community of us and as long as denamrks on the map it seems that it will remain legal.

  10. Wel lsaid Spirit. You are obviously a Zoo also! You UNDERSTAND the emotional component of this.
    To all you nay-sayers, I suggest you do some research & get your FACTS straight when you make pronouncements like ‘sickko’ & such.
    Shows your level of underatanding! Its NOT ‘sick’ as you put it! Ask ANY shrink. Zoophillia is NOT a mental illness, merely a harmless paraphillia; ie a FETISH!

    As LONG as no harms done to man or beast, WHAT is the problem? You dont like it? DONT Do it simple!
    YOU have no RIGHT to tell others who or what they can make love to!
    Dont like it? Dont do it! NO1 is advocating every1 turns zoo, just like everry1 in the gay community isnt advocating every1 turn gay!

    Get some logic, THEN come back and argue against the subject with LOGIC, like we do, NOT the irrational emotional rantings all of you fun spoliers seem to scream with, with child like raving tantrums!

    Time to grow UP people! This is reality! Its always been here! GET used to it!

    As the gay lobby used to chant, ‘We’re queer, we’re here, get used to it!’

    The zoos have to do the same, minus the queer bit of course.

    We’re Zoo, We’re True, Get used to it!’

  11. Vigilantejustice

    To Dalek
    People that have sex with animals are true evil as it say’s in the bible (Lev 18:23) in (20:15-16) it states “No man or woman shall lay with a beast if so he shall be put to death and kill the beast” It’s considered just as evil as brother and sister having sex. It means you have the right to kill anybody who has sex with their siblings or animals and god won’t punish the killer.
    So don’t even compare yourself to any other group because your pure evil in itself by yourself. Your truly are sick and depraved I hate you as much as I hate child molesters and you all shall pay in the after life. I’m not gay but I don’t hate or want to kill them. I know gay people that are not perverts You beastiality motherfuckers need to die.

  12. To Vigilantejustice

    Also does it say in the bible that those that lie with another man or without marriage are vile pure evil sinners. The bible evolves through time, if go go back far enough in history all religions were told to hate one another and even some told there people to kill those of another religion of there own because there were pure evil. It all falls into your followings if you find it wrong then that is your beef, If Dalek finds it right than thats his own. But person I find it wrong to whore out your animals you don’t have that deep friendship as you would if it was your own animal how can you trust an animal that isn’t really yours. It is no longer about your passion and the love it is only about just fucking. There is a difference of those whom call them selves Beasts ( the are just after the sex) and those who call them selves Zoos ( The passion and love, not just about sex.)

  13. Now come on, you can’t just pick and choose. If you are going to cite the Bible on beastiality, then also cite it on homosexuality:

    “If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.” – Leviticus 20:13

    If you are using the Bible as your guide, then you should use the entire Bible, not just the parts you agree with because you are supposed to believe that it is the inspired word of God. Not just some parts of it, but the whole thing.

    Ah, but I am not here to comdemn people to death for their sexual practices. The Bible does that, but it doesn’t speak for me. But, do we even need the Bible to know that this sex with animals is disgusting and detestable?

    The answer is no. The average person anywhere in the world, regardless of religion, is dismayed and shocked by the practice because it is wholly unnatural and shows a deviation from the norm.

    Such people who practice zoophilia are deviants who are going down a sick path. Of course, they take offense to being called “evil” or “sick” and want special status as a minority group with rights. There are new groups like this springing up all over the world demanding their right to do whatever they want to do. Of course, if they do it, and the only harm they do is to their own body, mind and soul, then I believe they do have that right. However, since it is such a repulsive practice, they should not be surprised that the general population finds it very disgusting and out of pure repulsion, people will very likely attack them either verbally or physically if they catch them doing it.

    So my position is somewhere between the extremes: on one side is the militant zoophile who wants his “right” to have sex with animals to be normalized in society or at least left alone to go to the barnyard brothels. On the other extreme are those who quote the Bible and are really willing to kill a human being over this issue.

    If I ever saw this being done, I would be disgusted and I really don’t know what I would do. I doubt that I would attack the person doing it, but I would certainly show my disgust with it.

    As for those who have tried it and are getting hooked on it. You have a real problem and need to get help before it takes over your life. Your goal should be to have normal sexual activity with a member of the opposite sex and leave this obsession behind you. There are a lot better things to be doing with your life anyway. There is also a New World Order and frankly, these kinds of craziness are part of it.

  14. lost in reality

    I blame all the niggers for the problems with the beasts, back in there land they would fuck and thing that has half a hole. thats how aids got started a monkey fucked a monkey and bingo aids got spread.

  15. That is such a pathetically stupid comment, “lost in un-reality”.

    Why does this article attract so many social retards? I guess it’s in the title, but it should also be read by level-headed decent people just so they understand that there is this sickness running through society and it needs to be addressed.

    It’s actually scary how many hits it has been getting, hundreds every day for months. There are a lot of you out there and I don’t just mean zoophiles, but also religious nuts and assorted racists chiming in now.

    Where are the normal sane people? Are there any left out there? If so, speak up!

  16. lost in reality

    All the normal sane people got lynch because they think we are related from monkeys. I’m sorry but the only people who are related to monkeys are jigaboo’s and sand niggers.

    Here’s a little song that will change your life forever:

    My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo
    We have washed ourselves in niggers’ blood and all the mongrels too
    We’re tearing down the zog machine, Jew by Jew by Jew

  17. You know what? Your racism is just as filthy and disgusting as the animal fuckers. There is no difference between you and them. You are all a bunch of…I almost said ‘animals’… but truth is animals are better than you all.

    It’s just sad, so sad how degenerate and crazy people are and they have no shame or desire to change. It is one thing to have a problem and admit it, but it is quite another to revel in it. That is a sign of spiritual darkness, a diseased mind.

  18. lost in reality

    We should have let Hitler finish off your fucking dirty ass Jews.

  19. You certainly are ‘lost’, but not in ‘reality’.

    That’s just about what I expected to hear from you.

    If I sensed that you had any soul left in you, any level of decency, I would try to set you straight, but since you are lost, just go ahead and be what you are:

    A Nazi.

  20. Vigilantejustice

    Every body keeps on saying they have a right to have sex with an animal if they choose. We have rules and laws to protect society and in some states it’s illegal. I think it should be illegal in all 50 states because if we give them a right to do what ever they want it will damage our society even worst than what it already is. We need to protect our children from seeing this kind of evil as long as possible until they are old enough not to be traumized by these psycho’s. It’s true animal fuckers aren’t going anywhere but we can at least make it illegal and not condone this type of sickness. Ten years ago I was 15 I and my girlfriend where walking through a local park it was about 3:30 pm there was a lot of kids playing and we walked past a bush and we heard a strange noise and we looked, it was white guy fucking a dog. I yelled what the fuck and he just looked at me and he didn’t stop. Other people saw it as well after I yelled. I grabbed a bottle and busted it upside his head. There was several witnesses at this point. The children’s parents about 5 of them came over and started kicking and spitting on him. The police came and arrested him and let us go. So what I’m trying to say is that you animal fuckers need to be careful and keep that shit behind closed doors because there are people out here that’s not going to tolerate it. If my daughter ever came home and told me she saw somebody having sex with a animal in the park best believe I will take the law into my own hands and erase him.

  21. PJwalker said: “Why does this article attract so many social retards?”

    The Answer: Because it was posted by a social retard.


  22. Oh yeah, another psycho head case.

  23. Rev Reggie Jackson

    The reason that these abominations are happening is because the Europeans are sinking deeper and deeper into Satanism and luciferianism!! They need God badly in Europe because it is the home of the antichrist and false prophet and it is the home of the beast system that will force all of mankind to take their zombie making beast chip in your forehead or hand!! These people are controlled by the spirit of satan and only God can deliver them from their horrible lust and enslavements which will send them straight to the lake of fire and brimstone along with their luciferic leaders and lucifer and his fallen angels!! For when they get Jesus Christ into their lives they will no longer do such depraved and evil acts against God and nature!!

  24. thumbs up to Dalek and spirit, keep standing up for what you believe, for all you bible thumpers out there, the lord jesus christ gave us freedom of choice either it is good or evil, and has given a law JUDGE NOT OTHER LEAST YE BE JUDGED.

    I am not a zoo, but the man i love is one and he loves me also, I would never stop him from doing what he does, and as for hurting animals, lol when our dog backs up to him when she wants it that is not hurt that is in it own a form of love….

  25. This is how new Diseases are born and spread

  26. Beastiality IS a disease.

  27. The issue is perfectly clear to me. In Denmark, the government and people there have totally lost there minds. The article says, that it’s not illegal if no people or animals are getting hurt in the process. The problem is, the animals are getting hurt. The acts that are happening to them are severely altering how they react to situations, and it’s not a natural response in most cases, it’s a learned response, (ie: a dog that is beaten by it’s master will still love it’s master since they don’t know any better, it’s just what’s in dogs nature.) and since they can’t actually tell us if they are being hurt or not, it is up to us to protect them.
    As far as the bible goes, yes it states all that has been previously mentioned, but it also states that if a woman is found to be devirginized when it comes to her wedding night, that she is to be taken out and stoned. A lot of whats in the bible is to get you to think. Things that are in there are there to force you to ponder on what’s stated and why it’s stated.
    Lost in Reality: I think your in the wrong type of forum, I think you should be the –I hate everybody that isn’t just like me forum based off the article–I am the only one I need cause I hate everyone else. (That’s a fake article name by the way Lost, just in case you try looking up, I will save you some time.) Really, trying to turn the topic that was generated by this article into your own private Racist Rant session, don’t you have anything better to do than waste our time?

  28. Let’s face it. This is not normal behavior. The average person is disgusted by it and it doesn’t matter if they are atheists, Christians or whatever. It is the same instinctual revulsion that the vast majority of people feel towards beastiality. There is a reason or a set of reasons for this. It has to do with the effects on body, mind and spirit of the individual and the impact on society. It has to do also with the obsession on sex to the point that some people will do absolutely anything for a thrill. This can range from the comical ( a man getting his penis caught in a gas tank) to the tragic and evil (woman suffocating to death during a bondage session). There are natural limits to human behavior within the framework of freedom. Just because we CAN do something, does not mean that we should do it.

  29. this is ba,ba,ba,ba,bad.
    i dont think mr ed would approve of this,and as for dog sex,why thats ruff!

    btw if a man has sex with a cat,does that mean he likes pussy?
    whAt about sex with a tomcat?
    what would THAT be??
    inquiring minds want to know.

  30. seriously you zoos are selfish.for your sefish ,self centered desires you abuse animals who cannot consent.
    stop it

  31. EVIL BASTARDS,i hope all of you die ASAP. Youre all so ill. and i would personally have no problem slitting your throats and let the animals you abuse eat your remains… fucking sick individulas,and yesyou are i minute bunch of outcasts! rot in hell,,,and you will do just that you twats.

  32. gee good thing denmark got a real love on animals not like other countries that you will surely see their heads on a plate :) hey nobody’s perfect even YOU…. who criticize beastiality but supporting same sex marriage in which more immoral in every religion.. all i can say is denmark and sweden are nice country and have good people :)

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  35. That is just gross and sick>>>>>>>>>>>>man was created for woman and woman for man and not man for beast,,,,,nor woman for beast….how can someone watch an animal and desisire than their own human beings.sick…for reasons like these the world shall perished and all the lust thereof

  36. I agree that this should be done everywhere also its a great idea, i know i would do it and its not that much of an expense, people pay for hookers and thats apprently alright to do

  37. to saltypup:

    Let me get this straight: do you mean to tell us that your husband/lover inserts his penis into your dog’s vagina, and into your vagina too?? I didn’t know that women like you existed. After reading this blog, I feel nauseated, and I think I need psychotherapy.

  38. Wow, what a crazy. I feel bad for animals. Those people have no rights to do that.

    For homosexuality.. accord to the bible, yes, but it didnt explain deeply in details about it. To my view, homosexuality like a heterosexual relationship is normal but a man lay with a man.. it didnt explain clearly in the bible because it was only one sentence and didnt explained enough. To my understand from somewhere about this translation.. A man lay with a may who were adulterated or just dirty lust for sex is wrong, yes. For homosexual to have relationship a man to a man and a female to a female fall in love and only one to one relationship is fine.

    Be careful with what you read this bible. This bible only tell one sentence and that’s it. No evidence but for beastiality it is very obvious wrong and dirty.. we are not design to have sex with animals. Only an animals sex with an animals are properly. Sick people for doing beastiality things. Poor animals!

  39. I agree only that like what seems to be the majority, bestiality or whatever one wishes to call it is unacceptable to the vast majority of people worldwide, or at least that is my impression.

    Like many, I have to consider it some sort of mental problem or just plain sick.

  40. kelly that’s my view and I am sure you are right. Of course, this article has attracted a lot of sick people with no consciousness of right and wrong. For them, just about anything goes.

  41. Ugh… this makes me feel sick. I understand that bestiality has been around forever. However, it has normally been kept secret due to society’s disapproval. But in Europe they are doing it openly, apparently with the approval of society? How low can Europeans go?

  42. People keep looking for signs of the End Times. This should be a sign that we have arrived. I think that if God or Aliens or whomever reads this story and thread, He/She/It will conclude that humanity has been a lost cause. Tarry not, Lord.

  43. Henry Baggs

    JWilson- AMEN!
    Ethan- it’s not just Europeans. I read of a case here in the USA, in the pacific northwest, where a man who had paid to be buggered by a stallion had been dumped at a hospital where he bled out from a ruptured colon. Apparently there are no laws against beastiality there, but some chickens were confiscated from the farm where this happened based on animal cruelty laws. YES CHICKENS !!!!!
    People do the most depraved things and then when their disgusting behavior is criticised they whine about rights and want to be considered a “minority group”.

  44. Henry,

    Exactly. Next the necrophiliacs will be demanding their “rights” to defile corpses in graveyards. And it goes on…

  45. it’s fuking sad that it takes a story like this 2 get the most comments I’ve seen on this blog

  46. to pjw911-

    The ‘necro and beasties’ argument is similar. None of their partners are complaining.

  47. JWilson,

    Judging by your flippant comment, you approve of both demented practices and probably worse ones, but the fact is the families of the deceased are and will rightly continue to complain about the sexual desecration of the remains of their loved ones, a crime in every country. Animals, are innocent beings which have no discrimination about issues of sex, but humans are supposed to behave like humans according to moral norms that are universally recognized. When they degenerate to the level of of beastiality, they become less than animals themselves by desecrating both the animal and their own humanity. Therein lies the harm. And I know that if the owners of animals ever caught someone having sex with their animals, their is no telling what they would do. These are repulsive practices to the vast majority of humans for good reason.

  48. No, no, no. Don’t be dense. I don’t at all agree. I was agreeing with you that undoubtedly the next step will be ‘rights’ on the basis that none of the victims are complaining.

  49. Well, I couldn’t see how we were to construe “None of their partners are complaining” any other way. But I will accept what you say based on your qualification. You should have qualified it the way you just did to make your position clear. Sorry from my end for misunderstanding you.

  50. It’s actually spelled “bestiality”, yes?
    I believe it is what Barney Frank defended.

  51. I have to agree with czarin: I feel nauseated, and I think I need psychotherapy.

    Not only do I need psychotherapy, but now I feel like I have an obligation to become a politician and push forward the rights to enslave and murder ‘these’ people.

    May god have mercy on your souls, for I will have mercy, even if I slice your throat from ear to ear and let you bleed to death as the poor innocent animals eat away at your flesh.

    No one can talk to animals and that is a direct sign from God that we should not have sexual relationships with one.

    Sick pervs.. I will be sure to start a anti-beastiality group on the internet now so we can haunt down these sick people. Let the haunting begin!

  52. Heartfelt Observer

    I am no fan of homosexuality but if two homosexual adults choose to have sex – they are at least capable of informed consent.
    Having sex with an animal is inflicting a perversion upon a being who is powerless to protest which is an act that is clearly despicable. The self-described animal “lovers” may succeed in turning their victims into perverted participants in the acts they elect to impose – yet when they attempt to dignify their behaviour with words like “love” or persuade themselves that their acts are consensual – they reveal their abberrant disconnect with simple decency – let alone reality. It is monstrous and unconscionable and viciously depraved for an adult to impose themselves sexually or in any self-serving way upon a child – and a voiceless, choiceless animal is no less a victim of this mental ailment wherein the perpetrator imagines that the fulfillment of their satisfaction need never recognize inherent rights of other living beings.

  53. Heartfelt Observer

    What part of “NO!” don’t you understand?

  54. wow you europeans are so sophisticated.i bet king jaun carlos of spain likes the male horses.please come on over we are ready and waiting ufor(european forces) remember the u.s constitution and the military oath to protect it form all enemies forign or domestic.not to support corrupt sell out poloticians like our past and present government.WETHE PEOPLE………..

  55. Sick f*cks….I wish the worst on you sick bastards, hope someone or something rapes you see how you like it.

  56. to all the “zoos” or “animal lovers” or whatever, You claim its you “right”, and its better to have sex with an animal than to eat it? Tell me, How can you prove the animal is willing? I don’t think you can. Therefore what you do is rape as well! Now excuse me while I go puke! Jesus’s return draws near!!

  57. Gabacho loco

    pretty soon the animals will be stalking their masters-partners and will be sued for rape and indecent exposure

  58. scottishfarts

    I guess I’m a freak for being celibate all these years. Sex with animals? That doesn’t sound right to me.

  59. The Holy Scrolls in every translation states that Beastiality as well as homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of GOD the Creator of ALL…. It goes against HIS PLAN for man to reproduce and multiply of our own kind. If a man or woman lay with an animal as they would another human being (copulation), they all will be put to death. Period, Bottom line, That’s It and That’s All. REPENT, TURN TO JESUS, GET DELIVERED FROM THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST, and BE SAVED. YOUR TIME IS SHORT.

  60. It’s wrong, immoral, probably indicative of some sort of a sick mind, and a bunch of other negative phrases and words that I can’t think of right now but it’s up to the person if they should choose to seek psychological help or not. I would guess that many people feel strange…Urges I guess and some people embrace them while others just bottle them up. I don’t really care what the bible says but an animal or person could really get hurt doing this stuff. All I can say is that if you’re going to do it, think twice. If you’re STILL going to do it, then please keep it to yourself. Your private life is private for a reason. You’re not a minority for who you have sex with.

  61. yes but funny enough its fine to own a gun which can kill… given the choice I’d prefer the neighbour that owned a horse.

  62. Bruce Campbell

    “To all you nay-sayers, I suggest you do some research & get your FACTS straight when you make pronouncements like ’sickko’ & such.”

    Dalek, surely that should be “neigh -sayers”

  63. HAHAHA

    You sayt hat people that have sex with animals are sick… but some of you are even sicker…


    “May god have mercy on your souls, for I willhave mercy, even if I slice your throat from ear to ear and let you bleed to death as the poor innocent animals eat away at your flesh.”

    May god have mersy on you for killing a man… and killing him gladly you phycos

    And all you bibelf freacks get real… in past times it was ok to wage war on people that belived in something other than kristianity…

    nd while you are at that killing spree kill all the unmarried people that are not virgins, kill all gay people.

    You think that is ok? Diden’t your bibel tell you to NOT kill a man under anyu surcomstanses?

    Well that gives you a seat in hell right next to all the child molestors and animal rapers.

  64. Only the very few.
    Thats why churches pay the rest who cannot afford it.

  65. I love this blog. It’s like a zombie movie, but the characters are not dead, just hopelessly and blindly absorbed with themselves. Zoophiles who think they are in romantic love with animals, Nazis who blame Jews for their beer guts, hemorrhoids and jock itch, Christians who believe that every word of the Bible is direct communication from an all-powerful invisible friend. Then there is PETA, whose members somehow understand how a horse emotionally interprets sex with a human.

    It is amazing how many different points of view appear here that are so out of touch – they are not even wrong. So many tormented brains that have constructed a view of the world and then mistaken their manufactured view for the world. Wake up, people. It’s just thinking, not reality.

  66. For the record, I think bestiality is disgusting. But it’s just what I think. Why is what I think so special? Why is what anyone thinks special to anyone but himself/herself?

    It’s just thought, not reality.

  67. …and I REALLY love animals. I consider my dogs to be friends. I truly love them dearly. I understand communication and affection across species. But I’m not sticking my dick in them. That’s disgusting…and nothing more than what I think.

  68. psittacid

    Thank you for remaining human, and sensible, knowing your place, your pets’ place and where to put your Johnson and where not to.

    I totally agree. Disgusting, Sick, sick, sick. And stupid.

  69. PJW911,
    Thanks to you, too. Your input to this seems consistently sane. I appreciate that your “weapon of choice” is common sense. The only thing that borders on the insane is that both of us are spending time addressing zoophiles, Nazis, fundies and others who care absolutely nothing about what anyone else thinks or says.

  70. …. but I love how calm, rational responses shut a blog down. When you make the angry haters on both sides look pitiful or stupid, they somehow understand that continuing to scream through the keyboard makes them seem even more so.

  71. psittacid,

    Well this blog is focused on exposing corruption of government and society in general, so I don’t want to put an article out there and have it become just a love fest forum for slobbering mutants. I have to inject some sanity into every comment thread that develops, but at the same time, I don’t censor people’s right to express themselves.

  72. So it’s OK to have sex with animals, as long as they don’t get hurt?

    What does one do, ask the horse if he likes getting porked in the ass by a pervert?

  73. Greg,

    This is a form of antinomianism, that is the flat out rejection of any form of moral code or ethics. They have a similar practice of antithetical nihilism in India and other parts of the world. Some people think they are elevating themselves above the human race by doing so, but in fact it is just a rationalization for degeneration. Once people get going down such a path, it will only get worse as they seek bigger thrills and bigger rules to break.

  74. So this is How Swine flu ….was able to cross transmute .

  75. Crikey, Crikey,

    Noooo…, just as AIDS wasn’t the result of black Africans raping monkeys (racist propaganda). Just as AIDS was developed at US biowarfare labs like Ft Detrick, Swine Flu was developed by the same military industrial complex and those same killers are developing the Swine Flu “vaccines”:

    The Baxter vaccine, called Celvapan, has had fast track approval. It uses a new vero cell technology, which utilizes cultured cells from the African green monkey. This same animal tissue transmits a number of vaccine-contaminating viruses, including the HIV virus.

    The Baxter company has been associated with two deadly scandals. The first event occurred in 2006 when hemophiliac components were contaminated with HIV virus and injected in tens of thousands of people, including thousands of children. Baxter continued to release the HIV contaminated vaccine even after the contamination was known.

  76. Som dis how Fucking Obama the3 fucking nigger was born! It was God Damn Frog sex with monkey fuckers!

  77. Animals love fucking, they don’t care what it is they fuck. Ever have a dog hump your leg? They are easily conditioned to fuck humans and like it.

    Zoo aint my thing. Nasty nasty. So animals don’t consent you say, so it’s rape, but you can kill and eat them because they consent to it? You can chain a dog to a fence, is it OK? Declaw a cat, OK?
    Training a dog to attack people for police work, isit OK?

    I don’t hump dogs, but if I wanted to, I should be able to in my own home. Europeans have this freedom, we ”free” Americans don’t, in fact violence-obsessed Americans wanna kill animal fuckers. America in many ways is just as backwards as say, Iran.

    On the other hand we don’t want sexually predatory animals who are trained to do humans, not everyone wants to be fucked by a horse. Then there’s the possibility of spawning new diseases, and the freak human/dog hybrid or whatever, lets hope that never happens!

    There is no link between bestiality and psychotic behavior. There is a connection with alcohol and psychosis, it’s legal. Kids are violent and kill each other after the advent of violent video games and graphic R rated films on cable in their homes. That didn’t happen in the 1950’s.

    If a link between zoof and sexual predation can be established, such as child molestation, rape, or obsession with filth or shit, then it should be banned completely. Link with disease? Banned completely.

  78. I saw a documentary about beastiality this week and was absolutely shocked that an intelligent human would perform such acts with an innocent animal. I truly believe that even the animal involved in such sickening acts has the sense to know something is not right when a human tries to mate with them. After all, animals generally perform intercourse primarily for breeding purposes and therefore we don’t see confused horses mounting confused dogs or a rabbit mating with a donkey and so forth. Amazingly enough, however, we have whole websites devoted to confused humans mounting and being mounted by animals??? Sick sick sick. These people should be prosecuted for animal cruelty. I hope these humans caught up in that sick behavior don’t reproduce and involve their offspring in such perverted sexual tendencies. This is NOT acceptable behavior!!!! If you can’t find a suitable HUMAN sexual partner that doesn’t mean you resort to animals. Try a dating service, join a club, get a hooker for gosh sakes! Don’t pursue your dog or cat.

  79. I hate you demons. You cannot fool me, I know who you are, and I will find all of you. My people are actively hunting you and we wont stop until every last one of you freaks is dead. This is my word, I am the sun of the morning, my power is absolute.

  80. go childrens of god and masturbate

  81. Look fuck all of you people, the bible, and whatever god you believe in. Tell me, who gave any of you people the right to criticize zoophilies or homosexuals? And don’t give me any of that freedom of speech shit. Can you criticize others because you think your better than them? Reading this forum Royally pissed me off and I just can’t believe how many different people we have here. We even had a reverend give his input. We also had an actual zoophilie’s input. Look, all I have to add to this forum is… SHUT THE FUCK UP! WE REALLY DON’T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK! It may be a sin but so is every fucking thing we do these days. I really wish that those fuckers over at Barnyard Brothels would have just stayed at home and enjoyed their horses, but they have an excuse, they were thinking like americans always obsessed with profit. I’m neither Homo nor Zoo, I’m straight, but just like other people I have a weird fetish. For all you people who think I’m just an idiot atheist, or whatever they’re called, SCREW YOU. You may call me what you want but in the end does it really make any difference? And if you really want to make a difference wherever you live you should tell your children to stay away from whatever you’re complaining about online.

  82. Differentiated Man

    And so the desert encroaches. What are we to expect after the bands of civility and social mores have been loosened by the international iconoclasts? Well, for one thing, the mentally ill will begin to crawl out from subterranean pits and arrogantly defend their carnal cravings for lower life forms. Today, they feel safe enough to do so. But this too shall pass. I’m convinced that sooner or later the deranged will serve a didactic purpose. The majority of people will eventually reach their limit and hang these poor creatures from lamp posts. And around each of their necks will hang a sign that says, “I had sex with an animal.” It is the way of things.

  83. what the….this is a fanatics paradise, screwing… wanting to kill those who do …i say you are all sick fucks just get on with your life and leave animals and religions out of it. Religious bias has caused more death and suffering than any animal fucker has so first we should clean out the religious fanatics preaching some Roman made up god called Hesus Krishna or Allah or Jehovah, or those nuts who spell G_d ( they don’t use the name….as if they knew what Gods name is what conceited aholes) etc nuts all of them, and then we should re-educate those beast fuckers to behave them selves. And those of you who want to kill…do us all a favour and kill yourselves shitheads

  84. Adriaan, I actually agree 100% with your point of view. The beast-fuckers are sick and need to stop it, but the religions are the cause of far worse: mind-control, wars, oppression, torture and general insanity. Plus, religious people, with a few exceptions, are far more likely to obey their government, no matter how corrupt it is, especially if it is a theocracy according to the dictum: “If the king is good, it is a blessing from god and if the king is bad, it is god’s punishment”. They tend to be fatalists, believing everything is god’s will and so in the end they go along with evil. These are very easily manipulated types of people with blinders wrapped around their heads so tight sometimes that they can only thrash about wildly when presented with the facts.

  85. I came across articles on this last winter and was just simply nauseated. This is the satanic frenzied madness of sexual perversion in full mode. On a moral level I equate this with pedophilia. Oh how those who have lowered decency in previously moral cultures with ethics, those must be laughing.

  86. Don’t like to say it, but out of all the thousands of articles on this site, this post gets among the highest number of views. If that tells you something unpleasant about the netizens…

  87. WHO says that the animals don’t suffer ?!?
    Well, the animal owners and the customers …
    I very much doubt that.
    Pedophiles also always pretend that the children don’t suffer.
    Rapists play down the suffering of their victims …

    Why can’t those animal owners and customers f*ck each other ? That would be so much more convenient for everybody in this world. One of them might even wear a saddle and a harness … just try !

  88. im sorry but anyone what wants to have sex with an animal isn’t right in the head, there is nothing natural, its not ethical and itss just plain weird.

  89. people will have sex with anything these days, makes you sick.

  90. Please, lets not make this about religion. I am not religious, but that always gets dragged into things. Compared to religion… why should we be comparing, can we not see beastiality for what it is ?
    its an uneducated and ill treated mind, that has been subjected to some form weird upbringing.
    absolutley horrible. This should not be allowed, once that line has been crossed, lines no longer exist.

  91. i read an article about a guy who had sex with his car, thats pretty disturbing.

  92. Wow, a flurry of common sense all of a sudden. I’m glad some healthy people have decided to comment on this subject for a change, and also with mostly balanced viewpoints as opposed to the violent. Actually, the majority of comments do show a natural revulsion to inter-species sex which is good, however, this particular article is one of the top ten most heavily hit posts (out of many thousands) on this blog which has always concerned me since it means that many thousands (or millions?) of unhealthy people are searching this stuff out. This is but one symptom of a sick degenerating society, but hopefully if it gets aired across a wide enough spectrum, the light of reason will eventually help to wake people up who need to make a healthy change away from this type of thing.

  93. In re: pjwalker911, comment, 08/26, 05.21

    Well argued, pj. What I take slight issue with, however, is the notion of this somehow being a greater sexual perversion than others like homosexuality or paedophilia (at the same time admitting, of course, that some are far more morally reprehensable than others), as all have fundamentally the same route cause, in their explicit rejection of the higher self and the greater human worth and purpose realised, in far greater part than is generally recognised, through the blessing of natural sexual union, and that they are, in this sense, one and the same.

    Has it not almost gotten to the stage now where, for example, perhaps even a large minority of people would consider the (entirely natural) urge of a matured man, say aged 30, to have sex with a girl / young woman, say aged 16, to be less ethically sound than that of two grown men to engage in same-sex activity? What I believe more enlightened people realise, with respect to homosexuality for example, though it could apply in some senses to inter-species sex, is that such activity has little or nothing to do with sex – I mean it’s about “relief” in the vernacular after all, and what’s that if not momentary respite from the personal suffering caused by the realisation it has become impossible to deny a body corrupted, a lifeforce subverted, a self-determination undermined? Whilst ethically there are many good reasons the 30-year old man should not engage in sexual activity with the young woman, at least for some time, (and should modify his thinking during his maturation on what throughout all time must have been the predominant male fantasy as he learns what it is that really fulfills him), if for nothing else than pragmatically he would probably find it much more pleasureable with someone closer to his age, there will never and can never be a good reason for a homosexual union or union between human and animal, as it’s something your body was never designed to do, whilst the urges of the man do serve an important purpose within the reproductive cycle, if, at the same time, morally within the sphere of his understanding life’s further purpose which dictates they should not be acted upon.

    Seems to me a lot of people got this shit backwards.

    What I am surprised not to have seen is any poster comment on the fact that this activity should be presumed (italics) illegal in all countries, as I feel sure the law would require that all parties in any form of sexual activity are able to explicitly provide their consent (or for consent to be assumed a null concept in the non-human animal world), and in the case of animals I presume this would be considered impossible.

    Whilst I may not be in any way pro-homosexuality or pro-pornography or pro-group sex I feel that this does not mean I think my opinions should in any way inform the nature of or set limits to relationships between consenting adults. Neither do they relate very much to how I feel about people within these groups on an individual basis, as I find most people do, think and say a lot of shit I think is weird and extrapolating too much from another’s supposed preferences is just bigatory. In short, you don’t have to be homosexual to advocate a homosexuals right to pursue a lifestyle of their choosing, but it does seem that the only way you can advocate inter-species sex or sex with children is (italics) to be of that mind. I am firmly of the belief that children can never and will never consent to sex with adults. The rallying cry from people involved in these perversions is always that, “really, they like it.” So it generally is with the self-deception of abusers. They take someone or something who is not fully capable of expressing their disinclination to have done what’s being done to them and infer from this a right to do it. But until someone can come up with a surefire way of demonstrating that an animal is both capable and willing of providing consent to engage in sex with a human, a deception it will remain. Okay, there are parallels with a presumption to use animals for meat as for sex in that it is unlikely they would consent to either, but at least the farmer is under no illusions as to the nature of his relationship with his animals and the conduct is broadly in line with what happens in nature, while recreational sex pretty much only occurs in humans and so can be considered outside of the animal kingdom, while the arrogance of these animal fuckers to use another sentient being for kicks on a whim is actually quite frightening. Whatever you think about sex acts, the only legitimate sex in a free society is consensual sex, and consent is something an animal is unable to provide.

    Any human action either evolves a person or retards them; look at the mental wellbeing of porn actors, for example. Sex is hugely important for the psyche, and it’s corruption is massively damaging. Judging someone for what you or I might consider depraved behaviours helps neither party, as you share in a negativity that both suffocates your higher self and keeps them in perpetual ignorance of the right way by boosting to them the visibility of their base self and reinforcing to them the allure of an idea of wrongness to invest themselves in (their low self-esteem will generally alienate them from healthier forms of recognition), and all this serves to prevent someone from ever truly knowing themself. I feel sure the best way to restore some sanity to the situation of what does seem in some real sense to be declining sexual morality over the last hundred years would be for people once again to be completely, resolutely and unapologetically of the mind that monogomous one man-one woman sexual relationships were superior in all respects to other relationships, and that while people’s right to conduct same-sex and polygamous relationships should be respected and afforded the same protection under law, that that did not infer any onus to personally endorse or support them in any way.

    To the religious people out there I ask, when this chapter closes and you bow down in the prescence of the almighty, will it be with a feeling of self-repudiated unworthiness or will you simply exhault in His majesty? Do you serve in this life to appease a pernicious master or to further the all-conquering glory of a beloved comrade? Do not question His wisdom in the apparent existence of the abominations of this world, which will transpire to be but shadows, but look to the wisdom, courage and fortitude given you so that you might stand up together against the forces of darkness and effect His eternal word.

    Best wishes,


    PS With regard to your thoughts about how much attention this matter has received, I wouldn’t worry too much. It was one of the site’s headline stories and I, probably like many others, thought, bloody hell, what are the Scandinavians up to now?! :) Again, as I’m sure would apply to the vast majority of people to have read the article, I visited the site on a completely different matter, have never had any interest in beastiality, and will cease my interest, such that it was, in it as a subject right now. But it has been fascinating to see the comment.

  94. Perhaps zoo-men would enjoy sleeping with fireants too! Hey…. it is just another animal!

  95. Rachel Cullen

    first of all what nasty son of a bitch would want to sleep with a smelly animal. Second of all the male parts on these animals is disqusting. Completely gross, This world is coming to an end. who cares what feels good. just because it feels good doesn’t mean it is moral and right. People just can go around an do whatever they want. It is completely disqusting and I hope everyone who does this will burn in hell. and they probably will. What a sick world this has come too. Not to mention that is how Aids came about, some sick fucker slept with a monkey. probably how the swine flu came about. And the animal doesn’t get hurt. animals have a sense of right and wrong, they know that it’s not right. not to mention it would also be like, well I can sleep with my house keeper, because she is less of a species than me, as long as I don’t hurt her. Go to church people, this road is going to send you all straight to hell

  96. yahstruthseeker

    PJ – I am a normal person living in an insane world.
    Bestiality is a disgusting practice as is sodomy as is sex with children. But it is all a sign of the times.. where anything goes! But eventually all will give an account of their lives.
    For the ones who dont think its wrong and that animals enjoy it – shake your head. Animals only mate out of instinct to pro-create with their OWN species. It is a form of animal abuse as is eating meat. And as well zoophiles are just as selfish as the individuals who want sex with children legalized.
    Dont be surprised when a new sexual disease arises because of such disgusting practices. And each one will get what they deserve.
    And to the silly person who said blacks having sex with monkeys in Africa started AIDS- shake your head. AIDS was a manmade virus that was released into the african population via smallpox vaccines in the 70s.
    Well – as the perverts and deviants have their fun – the NWO will come to power, the Anti-Christ will rise to power and they ( the deviant and wicked)will all will be swept away because they hated God and His Laws and they hated the truth and just wanted to gratify their flesh. It doesnt matter what the rest of the moral people in society say these will do what they want.. and thankfully this wicked world is soon coming to an end!

  97. yahstruthseeker,

    Right about AIDS being bio-engineered, but the Illuminati are indiscriminate with their NWO killing machine. They intend to kill off as many “useless carbon emitters” as possible through eugenics depopulation, wars, DU, bio-weapons, diet and injections. It doesn’t matter what religion you belong to is the point I am getting at.

  98. He answered, Not yet. I dont know how . Your brother James in particular. I didnt say there was. The wrinkles of amusement deepened about his eyes. I wouldnt have allowed it! The public has been demanding economy. I resented it a little .

  99. His lips parted ever so slightly, and she heard a soft sigh of breath expel. See to your people, take a bath, hold Irin —a wistful pause there— then we should talk. He made no secret that he could read any mind he chose, elvenborn or elvenchanged. They stayed on their knees, slapping each others arms aside as they struggled for purchase. The one she wanted to lash at was herself. Radins hand at her cheek turned her back to face him. Needing reassurance, Eyrhaen glanced up at her former master. That was, perhaps, the most frightening part of the spell. Nialdlye stood to one side, directing. Apologizing to her parents had been easier. One bright white brow arched high, and he cocked his head, considering. At first she didnt understand, but then there was Brevins flinch. He grinned when she licked her lips. But Brevins weight kept her where she was. It sparked the flame, and she dropped to scream into the mattress. I can live with that. For now, there is just the one. It wasnt real, you know. to giving herself to this man, knowing it would be right. Radin, please, she rasped, pushing into him, unable to get close enough.

  100. It’s all happening just as planned….first the NWO/people in power convince you that homosexuality is OK, it’s harmless as long as nobody gets hurt, then they say the same for bestiality! You know what’s coming next, right? Yep, the next taboo to be smashed is sex with children. How long until we hear the sick, twisted scumbag FREAKS that are attracted to children claiming that they just have “a fetish” and it’s OK because nobody gets hurt? The thing that these sick f*cks are missing is…ANIMALS AND CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT TO SEXUAL ACTIVITY. PERIOD. So yes, you ARE hurting animals by having sex with them, you are essentially raping them because they cannot give consent. At least with homosexuality, the participants are (hopefully) both of legal age, and sound mind to consent to the activity. I personally find it reprehensible but it is not for me to punish them, that is God’s doing. However, it is not intolerant, bigoted or “hate speech” to voice my opinion of homosexuality, and it is disturbing that even gentle reminders of God’s word is being viewed as such. Why is it OK for non-religious people to engage in “hate speech” against Christian beliefs, to say that religion is evil, that God is a lie and his followers are idiots/deluded/retarded, but a gentle reminder that the Bible does not condone such behavior is treated like we started the Holocaust II? Does anyone see the double standard here? Hello?

    Also, to the sick freak “zoophiles”, I loved my recently deceased Boxer more than anything in the world, yet I never even thought of something as repugnant as…ugh I cannot even say it….”mating” with her. The very idea is disrespectful, unnatural and just plain sick. I wonder how people like you even come into existence, and I do not mean that disrespectfully, but what on Earth HAPPENED to you to make you sexually attracted to animals? My Boxer was like my daughter or something, I loved her deeply and because I loved her, valued her and respected her, I would never presume to force myself on her in such a disgusting way. Honestly, if you pray to God, even if you are truly attracted to animals in that way, he will help you overcome it, or as I suspect, overcome whatever traumatic events in your life that led to this perversion. We all have our crosses to bear, to be human is to suffer but you are just allowing the Devil to control and use you for HIS sick perversions, and you will wind up in Hell for it….and the Devil? Well, he’ll certainly enjoy tormenting you for all eternity for your sins, he’s a big jerk like that, you know.

    There is good news though…even if you have lived a life of sin, degradation and done many terrible things, you can repent RIGHT NOW and you will be with God. He is strict, but loving and will forgive you for anything, but you have to live by his rules. Do you really want a world without rules and morality? I don’t believe that anyone in their heart truly does, and I say this as a sinner who has sinned gravely against God. I cannot change what I have done in the past, I can only pray, atone and never repeat those same sins, and devote the remainder of my time on Earth to living the way God wants me to. And you know what? I am a MILLION times happier now than I ever was in my old life! And I am a “smart person” (not bragging here) but even I got fooled by the Devil. It can happen to anyone, nobody is immune. Only through the power of God can you find true peace, contentment, love and forgiveness. Any other way is lies, deceit, and slavery.

    Oh, and one more thing….I DO understand the rebellion against God. I had been there myself, calling all Christians brainwashed and stupid, yet one day I realized how miserable I was and realized that my lack of faith and belief was not freeing, empowering or in any way making me happy, it was doing just the opposite. So I changed and now my life isn’t perfect but I am not scared, miserable or spiritually void any more. It’s impossible to explain it, I truly wish I could (and hope that as I get closer to God that he will grant me the ability to explain), it is just one of those pesky things you “have to take on faith”. Please, to all you “zoophiles” PLEASE seek God. Please. If not for your souls, then do it for the animals you claim to love so much (love them so much you rape them??). You know this is not right, please stop trying to justify it and do the Devil’s work by spreading his evil. PLEASE.

  101. PS-If anyone thinks that the idea that the NWO/people in power are actively pushing the pedophile/child abuse agenda is absurd, just take a moment and look around at what you see in the media. Here in the US we have a show called “Toddlers and Tiaras”, that shows little girls dressed up like adult women. Everywhere you look, you see children being sexualized in the media. Go to Target, Abercrombie, any clothing store and see what the clothing for little girls looks like….it is ALWAYS too short, too tight, never cute or innocent, but something that adult women could wear and nobody could tell the difference (for the most part). When I was a little girl in the 80’s I never once saw anything NEARLY as slutty as what’s being sold for kids nowadays! Look at the trend in women’s “private grooming”, there is just so much of this, and it is all designed to make it seem more acceptable and mainstream to view children in a sexual light. Haven’t you wondered why there are so many more pedophiles and child predators nowadays? It’s not just because the cops are better at catching them, or any other BS reason like that, it’s because pedophilia is being actively promoted!! None of this is a big secret if you just open your eyes and look around you! I bet in 50 years AT MOST, that people’s attitudes towards pedophilia will be like the mainstream attitudes towards homosexuality today, but there’s no problem because by that time all of you will be part of the PC brigade and will be on board with it, forgetting that 50 years ago it was the most vile thing imaginable. Scary that more people do not see this….

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  103. NeedToKnowBasis

    To All Those who talk about the “Animal/Human Hybrid” It is very improbable that having sexual relations with an animal would cause that. The way to make it happen is to split cells and combine them with animal cells and them let the new cell generate. And as for the animal giving consent…If the anaiml didn’t want to have sex it would give a warning growl or bark and maybe make a nip or make a slight attavck towards the human to say “back off”.
    Also to the people who are ranting on about Jews and African-Americans and what-not, This is a bout Beastiality not Racism. If you want to talk trash about other races make a website entitled I’ Just something you should all think about, courtesy of NeedToKnowBasis.

  104. NeedToKnowBasis

    I Made so many mispelling in that last comment. Sorry About that. By the way: No I am not a “Zoo” or a “Beasty Lover”.

  105. NeedToKnowBasis

    My Cousin is a Homosexual and I love her even so. Homosexuality and Bisexuality is not evil or immoral. It is just a way that people are attracted. I am straight and I am attracted to Guys. Is it wrong for me to think about Men in a certain way? No. But when another woman comes along and says she’s attracted to other women, then everyone freaks out and says she is evil and morally wrong. A woman I know was told by HER OWN GRANDMOTHER that she was going to hell. The woman told her that she’d be right there waiting for her. How do you think she felt when her mother’s mother said that to her? How would you feel if your grandmother said that to you? You’d be hurt deeply. My female cousin is attracted to women And My Male friend is Attracted to Men. They are both rejected and detested in some manner by the world because of what they like. If you were in they’re position and you felt like you were a freak because you happened to like the same sex what would you do? How do you think you feel.
    Rejected. Hurt. Depressed. Disowned. Unloved. Freakish. You would feel like a stranger in you own home. Think about that the next time you say something about Homosexuals and Bisexuals, please. Thank You.

  106. All I can say is “Damn”. Maybe it is time for Mother Earth to cleanse herself of this parasite called humanity. I wasn’t certain that we had fallen this far. Now I am.

  107. Men have been arrested over the past year in the U.S. for raping farm animals of their neighbours or employers. Horses were the most common. So it is not just europe…. And how many are there who thrill… sickly… watching women being taken by various domestic beasts. There is one star, for this is popular also among the elite, whose fancy is girls and dolphins. This is a sickness that is everywhere, a true abomination.

  108. What the f**cks wrong with all the do gooders, the is no GOD and if there were a GOD he wouldn’t have allowed such things to on. I don’t agree with animale sex altho i have done it as a dare when i was younger, now days i would rather a 3 some with a couple. GOD is a fairytale made up many years ago, he never was and never will be. Get over it and leave people to there own doings.

  109. I say to each his own. I mean as long as no person or beast is harmed there shouldn’t be a problem. I personally never participated in it but there are things I do that would be frowned upon andI wouldn’t want to be judged by it. As far as the Bible goes yes it does say its ok to kill someone that does this but it also says your children should be put to death for cursing at you or being a brat… so what does that tell you? Everyone has there things the do behind closed door and its usually the 1st ones the point the finger who have the biggest secret. No one is perfect so we should be so harsh and so quick to judge.

  110. SHOULDN’T be so harsh an so quick to judge*

  111. See what the presence of Islam does to a country?
    Love how the animal fuckers here feebly try to put on the aura of sophistication and open-mindedness. I’ll judge your sorry ass all day long, you’re sick mother-fuckers. I’m agnostic, so I could care less of your anti-religious theories for rejecting sex with Fido. Normally ones who engage is this behavior are, shall we say not carrying a full deck, you’re mentally deficient. It has very little to do with religion, you’re just plain stupid low-life.

  112. im not sure what is worse….the animal fuckers or you nut case religious fanatics . Personally yo religious nuts scare me a whole lot more than ax murderers do…because there’s alot more of you nuts out there.

    Anyone that can state that its OK to kill someone for having sex with an animal is placing an animals rights to life above that of a persons. Your nuts.

    ALL the problems in this world can be traced to RELIGION…. A L L the problems.

    Its time to agree that there are many discrepancies out there that lead a sane person to KNOW that the bible, Koran, etc are just books of fiction. If god created the earth in 5 days…….where do dinosaurs come in??. its all a load of shit. Anyone believing in religious edicts are more full of shit than my septic tank.

  113. Brown's Bottom

    This is about abusive power not sex, hence this is why I’d expect a few Bilderbergers to be doing this kind of thing.

  114. BB,

    Most sensible answer yet. and the truest…

  115. I find it amusing about the Islam comment, since Islam, just like Judaisim, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism all agree that this is wrong. I assure you there are more atheists and ‘christians’ in Denmark than Muslims. You guys who realized that this is sick, good. It gives me hope that world hasn’t gone entirely insane, yet.
    But just wait, you’ll see it in music videos and movies and they’ll play sad violin music in the background so people can place their hands over their hearts and, like the sheep we’ve been trained to be, say “AWWWW”

  116. There are two basic reasons why this is occurring.1) The spread of Pagan Practices by the CONDEMNED Tribe of Dan from antiquity.2) The continued deliberate undermining of the word of God and destruction of Morals and family values by the same God-less beings and the Secret Societies they belong to. Read the book “The Curse of Canaan” a Demonology of History By Eustace Mullins for a concise well researched book on untold, behind the scenes history you are not meant to know about. Reality is stranger than fiction and this is not fiction! Remember, God has no secrets with his children…so who does?

  117. Sara You might be right about there being more atheists in Denmark than Muslims but I doubt there is more Christians. Europe as a whole is mostly atheist now.
    I’m surprised there are so many posting comments in support! It shows how far the world has descended.

  118. Funny how the white supremacists use this story to put down non whites, when it’s about super white Denmark and Norway having bestiality brothels!!!! How much you wanna bet that some of those horse fuckers have swastika tatoos?

  119. Buried inside the Babylonian Talmud the Pharisees wrote that it is alright to have sex with animals, dead bodies and children. These Babylonians were already engaged in these practises.
    In the prophecy of Daniel he predicted our future, and in fact he was one among other two Judeans who refused to worshipp the gold bull which was Baal or Baphomet. The rest all bowed down and worshipped the golden bull. The intent is to insult and hurt the Creator of Life.
    If you read the Book of the Dead you will see that the ancient Egyptians were doing the same thing to animals and children.
    Didn’t Moses discovered his people praying to a golden calf?

  120. Wait a minute, you mean after some perverted farmers and their friends have sex with their cows and pigs…they import them to America and we’ve been eating them? No wonder Organic Home Grown was invented. Gotta go and brush my teeth I just had a BLT.

  121. I would date a zoophile girl, one who liked k9

  122. Uh, Uh, Uh! Ohhhhhhh!

  123. may the Higher Selves within us help us all….

  124. Our Congress made bestiality legal for the military..

  125. Danmark is so progressive.

  126. So what if people fuck animals?
    At least they don’t go around shooting children i schools…

  127. What gets me down is that, the day will come, when all these animal-nobbers will realize the depths of their depravity and it’s consequences …. and it will be too late. Their day of reckoning WILL come and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them will beg the Lord Jesus for a second chance and he will have to say NO. As much as it hurts Him.

  128. Animals love animals and swear an oath of love ‘until death us do part’ – so what is wrong with lizards having sex with snakes, or monkeys with cows, surely they are free to roam the planet and do as they please? Isn’t this the anal philosophy of animals? To imagine flags and build great armies of animals to fight other armies of animals under their respective flags of honour? This is the freedom of the animal to have sex when and where they please, to hunt and destroy whom they please and then kick the fucking bucket. .

  129. It’s funny when fucking idiots want to control other people’s lives when they are having fun. I believe that if both of the subjects are not hurt and that both subjects don’t mined intercourse with each other (in mined the human being the one resieving action from the animal) I believe that it is not wrong.

  130. So many perverts in the world and psychopaths too, they just go by different names now, so they are really undercover until an article like this comes out. The question is why the proliferation of these people, where does this come from and what is going on that is causing their to be so many of them? The fact they they are defending themselves on this comment section just speaks to the fact that the numbers are unusually high. Not to mention the fact that animals have diseases that are deadly to humans. For example men having sex with sheep during wars is the reason we have syphilis in the human population. Strange times we live in, the question is why are times so strange, and will this at some point reverse itself.

  131. The disease names are mentioned to give fear. fear starts war. There is nothing good in giuving fear. Have people be checked by the type of Chiropractic I talk about being evaluated by them from time to time will prevent the symptoms of many admen whatever. people need to mind yhir own business. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
    And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;
    People ag8ibt the zoo are not minding their own business disobeying Gods word.
    They think they are better than a zoosexual too.
    The syphilis thing is a lie. Prevent the symptoms of many whatever. There is an atlas Orthogonal UCS in Germany.. One is not nearly enough for all of all ages. What is seen is not strange at all. it is sex. That is all in the blue blazes it is. Set people free. That is what people want. That is what Jesus came to do. Let the sex occur whatever kind of sex. For pity sakes that is what God told us to do. What have people done? War against every conceivable kind of sex; even heterosexual sex. Have a young person to young to legally kill in war see it, and,.. OH MY that is terrible. People humiliate them putting handcuffs on them incarcerating or fining them putting them in bondage. The person who can legals kill is praised honored set up as an example. Pweople organizing parades for them. Medals are ceremoniously ,and reverently given to them. Knowing this why do what people do to the zoo?

  132. The disease names are mentioned to give fear. fear starts war. There is nothing good in giving fear. Have people be checked by the type of Chiropractic I talk about being evaluated by them from time to time will prevent the symptoms of many named whatever. or upper cervical health centers. Put in your zip code People need to mind their own business. King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
    And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;
    People ag8ibt the zoo are not minding their own business disobeying Gods word.
    They think they are better than a zoosexual too. People against the zoosexual believe a lie.
    The syphilis thing is a lie. Prevent the symptoms of many whatever. There is an atlas Orthogonal UCS in Germany.. One is not nearly enough for all of all ages. What is seen is not strange at all. it is sex. That is all in the blue blazes it is. Set people free. That is what people want. That is what Jesus came to do. Let the sex occur whatever kind of sex. For pity sakes that is what God told us to do. What have people done? War against every conceivable kind of sex; even heterosexual sex. Have a young person to young to legally kill in war see it, and,.. OH MY that is terrible. People humiliate them putting handcuffs on them incarcerating or fining them putting them in bondage. The person who can legals kill is praised honored set up as an example. Pweople organizing parades for them. Medals are ceremoniously ,and reverently given to them. Knowing this why do what people do to the zoo?

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  133. People will come up with one excuse after another why a person should not have the freedom to have sex with whatever or to be nude wherever. . Have jails, have no freedom no matter how much freedom law is said to give.

  134. Paragraph writing is also a fun, if you be familiar with afterward you can write if
    not it is difficult to write.

  135. Tally,

    You are right. This is one of the highest ranking posts on this entire blog gotten to by searches for ‘bestiality’ or ‘beastiality’ on major search engines. Disturbing also because I am sure these people do not come to this site to gain knowledge of the NWO system and how to defeat it. Farthest thing from their minds.

  136. Armchair Hooligan

    I can’t believe that something as disturbing as animal brothels exist. I don’t understand what kind of people run them and more importantly pay to sleep with animals. It is certainly a warped society we live in, where this is allowed. And i’m not sure how any country would allow this. I believe there have been countries in the past where pedophilia and necrophilia where also legal, which again is even sicker.
    There is something wrong with a country’s society and government that allows legal animal brothels, even worse people defending them and even admitting to being zoophiles. Zoos as they like to call themselves are deluding themselves by comparing themselves to gays. they are nothing like gays.Gays aren’t abusing anyone and aren’t doing anything wrong. Zoos are. However they put it. They abuse. They take advantage. They molest animals. Some animals can die such as snakes and chickens and other small beasts. But also it’s a form of cruelty messing with there heads and forcing themselves on animals. I mean if a guy just pounced on a woman in the street and started having sex with her. he’d be quite rightly be seen as a sexual predator.
    These people need to be stopped and animals need to stop suffereing in silence

  137. I think everyone is missing the point. People who have sex with animals are obiviously missing something in their life and trying to fill it with this. If we actually address real human need instead of pidgeon holeing everyone, this sort of thing would not be so prolific. Everyone needs to stop the hate and get an idea.

  138. Many Caucasians have 4% Neanderthal DNA, so this kind of practice of having sex with animals is normal for them. Please do the research and you will find this to be a scientific fact.

  139. Your intent is to make one person less than another. People that do that seek war. Ceasing from doing that is a good idea, agreed?

  140. Pingback: Europeans pay big for beastiality at barnyard brothels | Aftermath News | Empire of Ancestors

  141. Pingback: Weekend News and Commentary | Zephyr Global Report

  142. Since no law against bestiallity exist in Denmark, and animal bordellos apparently exist in Denmark, how come none are able to actually visit such a bordello? Don’t you think journalist from around the world would’ve been reporting from such places in Denmark if they actually exist and were widespread as this story claims?

    It’s an internet hearsay. It’s based upon claims from one anonymous person being “interviewed” by some unknown news website 7 years ago.

  143. The US military legalized it last summer along with satanism and requiring each branch to provide priests for it’s members.

  144. Pingback: Fucked up TOI and I | News, Views and Reviews: Sid Harth

  145. If this doesn’t show you these white cave devils aren’t human I don’t know what will…..

  146. all those poor horses you are sticking your dick in don’t have a voice to say NO

  147. The satanic people are the people calling for death to people having sex with another species. How can they not be? What is bothering the devil is this: people are having sex with another species not warring. Satan is making people want to are against them. That is why when you read the comments you see death threats being spoken. Sounds like what a Muslim would say when a person does a cartoon or a piece of art work depicting what people see as Mohammed.

  148. I think the issue here is one of consent and power. It’s generally agreed that a disparity in power, like that between an adult and a child, makes the act of sex between them an act of rape. There is no greater disparity of power than that between owner and captive animal.

  149. General information for anti-zoophiles:

    You CANNOT just assert that something is immoral. Logically you have to give a reason. Just saying everyone knows it when there are people who disagree is moronic.

    Interspecies sex is natural. There are thousands of recorded instances of it.

    Just because the Bible says something doesn’t make it true.

    Some zoophiles rape and abuse animals, while some make an effort to consider the animal’s welfare. Zoophilia is not wrong in principle – the fact that gay rape exists doesn’t mean homosexuality is immoral.

    Any argument that an animal cannot consent to sex is hypocritical unless the one who makes it is a vegan (animals don’t consent to being farmed, killed and eaten) who wants to ban every animal from having sex under any circumstances (If an animal cannot consent to a human it cannot consent to another non-human).

    You can compare zoophilia to paedophilia – both are just sexual orientations, neither of which harm anyone, but don’t compare child rape to bestiality: a child is not sexually mature and is likely to be psychologically damaged, while most animal species have evolved to tolerate sexual advances, both physically and mentally. If a zoophile does not attempt to have sex with an animal when it resists them and takes care not to cause it any pain or injury it is LESS harmful than most instances of natural sex.

  150. ” Zoos as they like to call themselves are deluding themselves by comparing themselves to gays. they are nothing like gays.Gays aren’t abusing anyone and aren’t doing anything wrong.”

    Yeah, because gay rape never happens, and there are no zoophiles who don’t actually have sex with animals at all despite being sexually attracted to them (sarcasm).

    And hi. I am a zoophile. I have never had sex with an animal of any species, and I don’t intend to at any point in the future. Even if bestiality was wrong it wouldn’t make zoophilia wrong – my sexual orientation doesn’t harm anyone or anything in any way.

    50 years ago gays were in the same situation we are now – hated because of prejudice and social norms, not because of any legitimate reason.

  151. Pingback: Waking up to Sheepism in The Year of The Sheep | IT

  152. 2015 still post fucking dogs to death in your area,, sick

  153. show your face and address dont fuzz out his face… Hes letting someone fuck his horse.. he should be getting fucked… show his information,, we want to know still update UPDATES on this sick fucker your the news POST IT dont half ass do your JOB.. post his information not half of it

  154. Vibe fucking someone is also legal. Time to own up. World Animal Guardian

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