Global Warming Fraud Exposed as Copenhagen Approaches

Blog Critics | Nov 21, 2009

by Dave Nalle

With the UN’s International Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen only weeks away, recent revelations have thrown a monkey wrench in the plans of global warming activists to implement a worldwide treaty which would impose costly sanctions on the industrialized west and effect a massive wealth transfer to developing nations. The Obama administration had appeared willing to sign away a great deal of U..S sovereignty and transfer significant power over U.S. citizens to an unelected international bureaucracy, but the latest news may make it impossible to use anthropogenic global warming as a pretext for expanding the power of the administration’s transnational socialist allies.

It started with the reluctant acknowledgment by many climatologists that despite past opposition, the claims of skeptics that the Earth has actually been cooling were essentially true. German scientists from the Liebnitz Institute for Marine Studies and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology led the way, admitting that “global warming is taking a break,” referring to the increasingly widespread acknowledgment that for the last decade temperatures have remained stable and that over the last 40 years the level of overall warming is considerably lower than previously claimed.

Even “Global Warming Central” at Britain’s Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research had to admit that their past figures were suspect and that rather than a 0.2% temperature increase over the past decade their adjusted figures suggested only a 0.07% temperature increase during that period. Hadley has always been a leading source for global warming activism and their computer models and data analysis techniques are being looked at with increasing skepticism as they remain one of the few climate research groups still reporting any warming at all over the last 10 years.

This week Hadley became the center of a storm of controversy over “climategate” when a hacker accessed their internal network and made over a thousand emails and documents public, revealing what looks like a concerted effort to misrepresent the results of their research, manufacture bogus data, suppress data, tweak models to produce desired results, and carry out smear campaigns against climate change skeptics. As the story unfolds some are describing it as one of the greatest scientific scandals of the modern era. As the scandal has unfolded the reputations of some of the most prominent climate scientists have been placed in doubt and ties have been exposed to journalists and media outlets who seem to have been complicit in the conspiracy.

Reports from the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change which were used as the basis for hysteria about global warming were based primarily on data processed by Hadley scientists, data which has now been acknowledged to be incorrect by the authors as well as being exposed as possibly fraudulent. It seems possible that a cabal of politically motivated scientists directly manipulated the IPCC to produce reports based on bogus data to advance a globalist agenda.

Even former Vice President Al Gore, who has filled the role of High Priest for the global warming movement, admitted earlier this month that the science was not entirely convincing, that C02 probably did not cause the global warming he had previously claimed, and that the fight against pollution was more a spiritual than scientific one.

President Obama and other world leaders have been backing away from full support for UN climate regulation plans and it looks like the Copenhagen conference may turn into a debate over the legitimacy of global warming theory rather than the triumphant enshrining of a massive UN power grab as originally intended. With the new revelations of fraud and error fueling more widespread skepticism, Europeans have joined Americans in their growing opposition to draconian economic restrictions based on a suspect and politically-driven climate change theory. If President Obama does go to Copenhagen he may find himself in the middle of a firestorm of controversy which he and his party cannot afford going into an election year.

20 responses to “Global Warming Fraud Exposed as Copenhagen Approaches

  1. Copenhagen is looking more and more like a potentially disastrous catastrophe should the US and Chinese Administrations fail to commit to making significant changes. None of us want it to fail, but even the organisers are now beginning to thing of contingencies…

  2. Can’t you put two and two together Tommy boy?

    Why the hell should anyone commit to Copenhagen? The earth is not even warming. Much less is anyone responsible for “climate change” other than nature. This whole thing is just one big elite conjob. All the evidence (and there are reams of it) can be gleaned from the Global Warming Hoax category and from the Climate Research links on this site. I don’t have three years to explain it all to you, just do some real research.

  3. I’ve spent three years doing my research – got my BSc Physical Geography degree to prove it ;-)

  4. No matter what Tommy believes, his article agrees that Copenhagen will fail. While I can agree that more environmentaly friendly ways of doing things are always better, the idea that man is the cause of global warming or that a tax that will end up in the pockets of wealthy green business owners will change things is refingdickulous!

  5. I’ll disagree with you about the cause of global warming- I personally agree with the majority of scientists who put the cause of global warming down to anthropogenic forcings (I also think there is an element of natural process too).

    I do, as you rightly point out OverSword, think that the Copenhagen summit is a waste of bloody time. If they want to set targets and ways to achieve them then they should just bloody do it… not faff around being “political”.

  6. Actually,
    From what I have read, they is a cyclical climate drop that has OFFSET the temperature increase of the past decade, and once the cycle rebounds it will double the actual perceived increase in global warming.

  7. WhitRhino, my response to that is LOL! I have no doubt that is what “they” say!

  8. BTW Tommy, The fact that they don’t just set the goals should make it obvious that it is not about environmental consience, but about money. Nothing else, and it never was.

  9. Tommy, your degree is truly a BS degree then. (as in Bull Shit)

    To all the global warming religious fanatics who worship at the feet the Club of Rome technocratic elites:

    No Global Warming for ten years, admitted even by the top warming alarmists:

    Global Warming Buffs Baffled by Lack of Global Warming Over Past Ten Years

    Global Warming Buffs Baffled by Lack of Global Warming Over Past Ten Years

    Scientist admits 20 years of global cooling could make people lose faith in global warming

    Scientist admits 20 years of global cooling could make people lose faith in global warming

    Sea Ice Ends Year at Same Level as 1979

    Sea Ice Ends Year at Same Level as 1979

    Instead global cooling, again admitted by top warming alarmists who are “disappointed” that it is cooling:

    Russian research forecasts global cooling

    Russian research forecasts global cooling

    Sceptics welcome BBC report on ‘global cooling’

    Sceptics welcome BBC report on ‘global cooling’

    Scientists see signs of global cooling

    Scientists see signs of global cooling

    Summer 2009 colder than normal, NOAA says

    Summer 2009 colder than normal, NOAA says

    What happened to global warming?

    What happened to global warming?

    Clouds hang over the global-warming alarmists

    Clouds hang over the global-warming alarmists

    ‘Global temperatures are declining’

    ‘Global temperatures are declining’

    Glaciers coming back after a natural warming period over two decades:

    Argentine glacier advances despite global warming

    Argentine glacier advances despite global warming

    New Zealand glaciers still growing despite “global warming”

    New Zealand glaciers still growing despite “global warming”

    Lowest antarctic ice-melt since satellite records began!

    Antarctic Ice Melt at Lowest Levels in Satellite Era

    Antarctic ice growing, not shrinking

    Antarctic ice growing, not shrinking

    No causal relation between CO2 and warming other than it lags behind, rather than precedes natural warming periods. CO2 not an evil gas. No problem with CO2 anyway, in fact good for the environment. Small percentage of “greenhouse gases”.

    Majority of scientists do NOT support the hoax because most scientists have integrity and do not leap to conclusions based on hysterical rantings of technocrats like Al Gore. In fact, it seems the only people who support it are corrupt politicians, low-life celebrities and a shrinking percentage of the brainwashed public who only parrot what they are told by activists, PSAs and media talking heads. They do no research on their own, but simply repeat ad-infinitum the dogmas printed on pamphlets, scurrilous junk-science from films like “Inconvenient Truth” and in hyper-hysteria sites:

    32,000 scientists dissent from global-warming “consensus”

    31,486 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs

    List of global warming activists, now skeptics

    Nobody listens to the real climate change experts

    Nobody listens to the real climate change experts

    So the lies and fraud exposed. The criminals caught red-handed. CRU emails genuine, can’t find any global warming, just fudge the statistics here and there to fit the models, and don’t tell the public that there is an FOIA!

    British climate change propagandists ‘conspired to keep sceptics in the dark’

    British climate change propagandists ‘conspired to keep sceptics in the dark’

    Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?

    Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?

    Top climate scientists discuss hiding contrary data, marginalizing dissenters

    Top climate scientists discuss hiding contrary data, marginalizing dissenters

    Climate Change Skeptics Get to Say ‘I told you so!’

    Climate Change Skeptics Get to Say ‘I told you so!’

    Global Warming Conspiracy: “scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science”

    Global Warming Conspiracy: “scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science”


    Multiple Motives: Make huge sums of money into the trillions off carbon scams and global government taxation plans (see Rumpuy’s Bilderberg plan), establish draconian Stasi-like micromanaging measures and punitive taxation against ordinary citizens. Bring in global government, ie centralized world dictatorship. Justify eugenics depopulation plans already under way, thus calls for “condoms for climate change”, one child policies, even abortion to “fight climate change”. Absolute anti-human diabolism which is really the old feudal system and it is still run through Club of Rome, Bilderberg etc by these same elite blue-bloods.


    Science chief argued for population control to limit ‘global cooling’

    Science chief argued for population control to limit ‘global cooling’

    Army of ‘energy inspectors’ recruited to snoop around your home

    Controlling climate? More like controlling humans

    Controlling climate? More like controlling humans

    Cut UK population in half to fight climate change says “green advisor”

    Cut UK population in half to fight climate change says “green advisor”

    All traced back to the Club of Rome composed of primarily the aristocratic elite blue-bloods who simply want to keep expanding and concentrating their grip of power over the world as they have always done. These elites have “carbon footprints” dwarfing any ordinary person by factors of tens and hundreds. They admit global warming is a fraud, that “fit the bill”, one they could use to schizophrenically unite humanity fascistically against itself! Hence humanity itself would be made to be the enemy. Diabolical is the only word to describe it.

    “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…The real enemy, then, is humanity itself….Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one INVENTED for the purpose…”

    – The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of Rome, 1991 report on global governance claiming that common humanity itself is the problem and implying that we must be controlled and diminished to save nature.

    All of this information can be easily found on this site whose sole aim is exposing lies, crimes and corruption.

    ANYONE (especially you Tommy) in the face of all these facts, who upon seeing them, continues to support this hoax, is a very mentally deranged individual or is working directly or indirectly for one of the government propaganda agencies whose policy is to push global government and global taxation upon humanity at ANY cost, ie many trillions of dollars. There can be no other explanation for such psychotic and frankly evil and corrupt anti-human behavior.

    The above is only a tiny smattering of the overwhelming reality. As I said, I don’t have three years to go over all of it because this hoax is so enormous, and the evidence against it equally so, that it would literally take years for a professor to lay it all out in a series of lectures. If this doesn’t convince you to at least question global warming, then there is something very perverse about you. I already know that about you and am very clear that you will continue down the same path of denial and lies that your masters have taught you.

  10. Damn right, no tolerance for bullshit!

  11. Right. You’ve heard of Brownshirts and Blackshirts. Now we have Greenshirts, Gore-Jugend eco-fascist youth leaders like Tommy here. They have taken their oaths to their elite fuhrers and are out for carbon blood money to extract from the veins of the hapless public. Facts, real data, truth, reality, honesty, integrity, etc mean absolutely nothing to the minions of the NWO. The End Justifies the Means!

    Different era, same Bullshit.

  12. I’m actually more of a Blueshirt – I vote Conservative ;-)

    I’d guess from your Gore-comment that you’re over on the other side of the pond pjwalker911 – so, to put in context, our Conservatives are pretty much like your Republicans except just a bit more socially liberal. Think Thatcher-Reagan.

    I’m certainly not an eco-fascist… I have very little time for most green issues and think they’re an absolute waste of time and effort. I do however hold fast to the facts being presented by the scientific community, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, as being true.

    If we disagree on that then great! Healthy debate is always good and I dread the day that everyone agrees with me! :-)

  13. Tommy, I won’t try to change your mind, unless I see you at a pub. But even among scientists there are two sides to the data, and it seems to me that all the other circumstantial and verified peripheral goings on indicate that the evidence you choose to aknowledge is suspect.

  14. I’m sure your shirts are interchangeable and you change colors from blue to red to green, to pink according the the political circumstances. This is ironically illustrated by the photo of yourself on your site wearing of all things, hmm…. a GREEN shirt (just a coincidence, nothing to worry about) emblazoned with the chimeric hybrid image of Baroness Thatcher dressed in her Che Guevara costume.

    Everyone see for yourself:

    A symbol for the Communitarian Third Way perhaps, the very path of the globalists who are behind the global warming hoax. Oh I know, that makes me a conspiracy theorist right? Yeah heard it before.

    And you don’t need to school me on your system over there. I am quite familiar with it. If anyone needs schooling, it is you. But you come on here and you pretend to know all about global warming and how you listen to the political propagandists at the IPCC who bend data to fit models as your authority, instead of the thousands of real independent scientists who have proven global warming to be first, a natural event, and second, not even an issue anymore because we have been cooling for the past ten years.

    Thatcher-Reagan was yet another sad chapter in the political dog and pony show that is falsely called “democracy” as we are all manipulated by a hegelian righ/left dialectic towards the New World Order which is looming ominously over us and is itself the REAL disaster, not global warming, not swine flu, not terrorism, not any of it.

    This is what you are siding with:

    Author Francesco Stipo to Present Book “World Federalist Manifesto” at the National Press Club

    Author Francesco Stipo to Present Book “World Federalist Manifesto” at the National Press Club

    The Club of Rome is the source of the Global Warming social engineering hoax. This is a global Fascist system with Socialism tacked on for that Third Way I mentioned. Communist China, one of the worst police states on the planet, is the “Model State” according to the United Nations. That’s what we are supposed to become, all of us. A Communist/Fascist Global State. Hell on Earth.

    If you side with the technocratic elitist globalists with their global warming scam, you are by default and eco-fascist, and since you seem to be quite influential among student groups, that is multiply worrying. And you do care enough about it to lament on your site the “potentially disastrous catastrophe” of Copenhagen failing.

    So don’t give me that stuff about ” I have very little time for most green issues and think they’re an absolute waste of time and effort.” That’s more spin on your part. You do want a Copehagen-type of global government agreement and that is much further along than most people who don’t even know what it is other than a strange place somewhere in Scandanavia.

    You can’t bullshit me Tommy, so don’t try it.

  15. OverSword – yeh, a good discussion over a pint is always the way forward… much better to chat about all kinds of in-depth issues like this with a beer in your hand. Even if we can’t reach a concensus or common-ground, there’s still the potential for a good old chin-wag.

    pjwalker911 – I’m really not trying to bullshit you. In the student movement that I’m a part of (and you will have seen through my blog), I actively try to encourage a debate on all kinds of issues ranging from tuition fees to parliamentary elections to, yes, climate change. I think that, if we are to move forward collectively, it is crucial that there is a dialogue that allows everyone the chance to be heard so that the direction we go in can be as representative as possible.

    I wouldn’t call you a believer in conspiracies – each to their own opinion as far as I’m concerned. The Thatcher t-shirt is a very tongue-in-cheek approach to a very weak joke, but I enjoyed it as did those who know me on campus.

    I’m honestly not going to try and convince you of what I believe in because I can see from the strength of your own argument that you very much believe in what you are saying. As I said before, that’s great and I’d actively encourage anyone thinking about any issue to consider their own perspective and not follow what the media would like you to believe. I’ve done that and found that I concur with the (majority of) scientists… if that makes me a sheep then so be it. Even if we just consider reducing our reliance on fossil fuels on the basis of consumption and that we have already passed the point of peak oil production, saving energy (and thereby emitting less carbon dioxide) can only be a good thing.


  16. Why not “move forward,” whatever that is to a person–individually?

    Collectively sounds like more groupthink.

  17. Tommy,

    I can see you are well on your way to a well-oiled and slick political career. A know-it-all, weaving and bobbing, avoiding and ducking difficult subjects, letting them roll off your back like your inspiration, the “Teflon President”. Yes, you have learned much. “good discussion over a pint is always the way forward” no need for rancor, just move forward into that Brave New World which is the New World Order. So on we go, compromising our way into a world where all freedom is surrendered to the global State. But we can have a jolly good time of along the way, eh what? Let’s just get on the bandwagon and ride it into hell together, collectively regardless of our minor disagreements.

    You say we have to “move forward collectively”. Who says we have to move anywhere? Especially collectively, ie globally. Where is it written in stone? I want to see that. Oh well, yes maybe the Georgia Guidestones….You see, these are the words of a collectivist, ie communitarian, a globalist, a third way politico which you have obviously already mastered right out of school.

    Then there is relativism: “each to their own opinion” as a way to put down the opposition, but without appearing to be a bully. As long as we “move forward collectively”, compromising our integrity and freedom along the way, we will surely arrive in the wonderful New World Order that the elite have planned for us.

    And a correction: I am not a “believer” in conspiracies. I KNOW there is a Grand Conspiracy to dominate the planet and there are many thousands of articles, quotes and videos on this site that prove it undeniably. The elite call it the “New World Order”, not me. I am only reporting what they do and say. They call for it, hail it every week, quite like religious incantations, especially Brown who really gets into the act. They are variously called the elite, the illuminati, the aristocracy, the establishment, the occult theocracy, the globalists, etc, etc and meet in secret to discuss how they are going to rule over us all. So just to get that straight. I am a conspiracy researcher and revealer of truth on these topics, not a “believer”. Belief is for religion, like Global Warming for example. I am not a believer but a rationalist.

    On the Thatcher shirt, I have to say whether you intended it or not, I found it to be symbolic of the communitarian third way: a GREENSHIRT first indicating your conscious allignment with the Green Agenda, emblazoned with the Hegelian Synthesis between Communism and Fascism, Che and Maggie. Complete with blood red smears for dramatic effect. Really perfect for you I must say. I admire your cleverness because you really are very clever, very clever indeed, aren’t you Tommy? Yes, I am sure you smirk to yourself in frequent self-admiration thinking, “Oh Tommy boy, you are so clever, so very clever indeed.”

    “You very much believe in what you are saying” is another condescending way of saying “you are wacked, but that’s okay”. But for me, it just reveals your arrogance and extreme discomfort with the truth. But I feel at this point, that discomfort is actually cultivated and deliberate on your part, because you refuse to even address what I am saying and instead put it off to my “opinion”, which it is not. I have backed up everything I have said and it’s all here on this site for you to see, all right out of the mouths of the elite themselves.

    You go on to say, “I’d actively encourage anyone thinking about any issue to consider their own perspective and not follow what the media would like you to believe. I’ve done that and found that I concur with the (majority of) scientists” which is really an astounding statement because you start by saying people should basically think for themselves rather than listen to the media, yet you turn right around 180 degrees and embrace the very globalist “Green” propaganda that the media saturates us with 24/7. So more clever spin on your part. I do have to hand it to you.

    But no Tommy, you aren’t one of the sheep, far from it. You are one of the Sheep Dogs, a much higher position in the New World Order and I commend you for your rapid ascent up the ladder to political success. *cough*

    Finally, an ostensibly rational statement:

    “Even if we just consider reducing our reliance on fossil fuels on the basis of consumption and that we have already passed the point of peak oil production, saving energy (and thereby emitting less carbon dioxide) can only be a good thing”

    … is intended to again, bring us all together collectively under the umbrella of communitarianism regardless of our disagreements. Who can object to getting off foreign oil for example? Or to have cleaner air? Why it would be naughty to be against that. But you see, that isn’t the motive behind the Green Agenda of the Club of Rome. Their agenda as always was to create a false hyped up “crisis” called Global Warming (which doesn’t exist) as a pretext for a whole range of controls and consolidations of power all of which are unfolding before our very eyes today. And to really get it going, we must press the idea that there is scarcity, and shortage of everything, from food, to water, to oil, to yes even money. So under an artificial scarcity model in constant “crisis”, the globalists have the “solution” ie world government, the elimination of free markets and sovereignty along with unalienable rights. And you are just dead wrong about “Peak Oil”. Again, I refer you to the Peak Oil Myth category on this site.

    You keep saying you want to “debate” climate change quite a lot but you never actually get down to debating. Let me start it off:

    How do you explain away the CRU email scandal? Can’t wait to see how you weasel your way around this.

    Go for it Tommy Boy!

  18. pjwalker911 – I do really enjoy reading your comments, they’re truly insightful and witty (although I’m probably being condescending or politically-motivated!). Even though we’re clearly disagreeing on what, to both of us and many others, is a key issue I am thrilled with the discussion.

    I honestly had never heard of the New World Order, save in passing reference in articles, so I had a quick hunt on the internet to find out more. Seems like a rather scary prospect if I’m honest – I’m all for working together for our mutual benefit but the concept of a ‘bureaucratic collectivist one-world government’ seems a little daunting… to put it mildly. I’ve never been a fan of systems or styles of government that put limits on the sovereign rights of a nation; I’m a Euro-sceptic and don’t believe that the European Union is necessarily a positive entity. Bring back the days of the European Economic Community that existed to create competition within industry – that sort of collectivism was fine. When Brussels starts to dictate from on high and overrule the elected Government of the UK, I begin to have serious disagreements with the nature of our relationship with Europe… but that’s a different matter.

    And I stand corrected re: conspiracy researcher – apologies for that. I’ve had a quick flick through the site and am pretty impressed – how many people do you have contributing?

    The CRU scandal is what is says on the tin… a scandal. It highlights a very selective use of email content – comments that are being quoted were, apparently, taken out of context and misrepresented. Professor Phil Jones, director of the CRU, said that the science produced by his centre was genuine and had been peer reviewed.

    “That the world is warming is based on a range of sources: not only temperature records but other indicators such as sea level rise, glacier retreat and less Arctic sea ice,” he said. “Our global temperature series tallies with those of other, completely independent, groups of scientists working for Nasa and the National Climate Data Centre in the United States, among others. Even if you were to ignore our findings, theirs show the same results. The facts speak for themselves; there is no need for anyone to manipulate them.”

    Not sure whether I buy into that yet or not… I personally believe in global warming – I think it is happening and is something we have to deal with. I know that you hold completely the opposite opinion pjwalker911 and I know that you’ll respond with a very well-written comment. I guess this is something that we will have to agree to disagree on! :-)

  19. PJ, you are brutal! LOL!
    I’m sure that Tommy’s not yet an active member of the NWO, although he may fall under the category of useful idiots. He reminds me of discussions with my much younger brother, who is sure that everything he learns at college from his too liberal professors is as true as any words God spoke to Moses from the mountain top.
    Tommy if you truly haven’t looked into the conspiricies involving the groups mentioned by PJ (hard to believe) I encourage you to start investigating, it doesn’t take long for most reasonable people to understand that most conspiracies involving a one world government are not theories (often through the blatant admissions of the scum pushing the agenda), and are not in the interest of the vast majority of people. Things like, and perhaps especially, global warming are a key tool to justify the implementaion of a non-elected world-wide authority which, for the supposed good of the environment, and in the interest of political corectness will limit and govern every aspect of your life, to the point that you will have no freedom, privacy or say-so on what is done with your taxed income, which would soon be larger than your paycheck. This is all facilitated by grants to scientists who are basically paid to back a viewpoint. And when these guys stop giving the desired data the funding will dry up, very real motive for climatologists to nudge results in a certain direction you may agree.

  20. OverSword,

    The thing I want to impress upon people is that the Global Warming “debate” is not about two grass-roots camps debating scientific data. It is about Good vs Evil and Truth vs Lies. What it really boils down to is the People vs The Elite, or to put it the other way round, it is about the Elite declaring war on humanity in their First Global Revolution with an admitted hoax as pretext for all their globalist programs and then the people catching on and defending themselves against the onslaught.

    Anybody, of any class, who spews global warming propaganda has taken sides with the Elite against humanity and has therefore sold their souls over to that dark side. They are part of what is wrong with the world.

    I’m not saying that some of these people can’t come around and realize they have been wrong and stupid, but generally this is not going to be the case. Some people, including commoners, are just evil and perverse and there is no shortage of low-level minions of the elite always rising up the ranks in politics and science often right out of college. They are generally arrogant and lack conscience and will do or say ANYTHING to get their way. That is in fact the very picture of a typical lying and corrupt politician, or corrupt scientist for that matter. They are psychopaths and they must be constantly shamed, opposed and exposed in defense of all that is Good and True. In the case of the Hadley CRU team of crooks, they must be thoroughly exposed, tossed out and prosecuted because they are simply serving their Club of Rome masters, tweaking data to fit the models whose results are extremely profound and damaging economically, politically, morally and in terms of freedom on this planet. They are therefore, the worst sort of people, traitors against humanity, willingly lying for the elite and covering it up, for what? Money, prestige, fame, who knows? But they are criminals. The Hadley CRU was founded by the elitist aristocrat Baroness Thatcher by the way, who pushed all this on us. Ironically, it is an aristocrat, Lord Monckton, who has somewhere along the line developed a conscience and is exposing the entire fraud.


    In Climate Hack Story, Could Talk of Cover-Up Be as Serious as Crime?

    Compilation of key ClimateGate emails

    Lord Monckton Debunks Global Warming

    Green House Conspiracy 1990

    Leading Global Warming propagandist “deeply shaken”, admits science now needs “reanalyising”

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