Aspartame in Milk Without a Label? Big Dairy Petitions FDA For Approval

Two powerful dairy organizations, The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), are petitioning the Food and Drug Administration to allow aspartame and other artificial sweeteners to be added to milk and other dairy products without a label.The FDA currently allows the dairy industry to use “nutritive sweeteners” including sugar and high fructose corn syrup in many of their products. Nutritive sweeteners are defined as sweeteners with calories.This petition officially seeks to amend the standard of identification for milk, cream, and 17 other dairy products like yogurt, sweetened condensed milk, sour cream, and others to provide for the use of any “safe and suitable sweetener” on the market.

They claim that aspartame and other artificial sweeteners would promote healthy eating and is good for school children.

According to the FDA notice issued this week:

IDFA and NMPF state that the proposed amendments would promote more healthful eating practices and reduce childhood obesity by providing for lower-calorie flavored milk products. They state that lower-calorie flavored milk would particularly benefit school children who, according to IDFA and NMPF, are more inclined to drink flavored milk than unflavored milk at school.
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3 responses to “Aspartame in Milk Without a Label? Big Dairy Petitions FDA For Approval

  1. Pingback: The Dangers of Aspartame (Diet Coke Zero Side Effects Poisoning Pepsi Max N | euzicasa

  2. Pingback: Dairy Industry Wants Artificial Sweeteners in Milk | A life of quality!

  3. It should be in kosher foods first

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