The Chemical Dumbing Down of America

“The Order’s [Masonic Illuminati] working and involvement in America is immense. The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.”

– U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952

Why is America so brainwashed by the corporate media? Why do we care more about American Idol and sports games than being poisoned with mercury in our vaccinations and sodium fluoride in our water supply? America needs to wake up and get the facts about our chemical manipulation before it’s too late.

Music: Pink Floyd – Sheep, Us and Them

4 responses to “The Chemical Dumbing Down of America

  1. Not to sound flippant, but I wonder about theme park rides. Riding a bunch of wooden roller coasters once wore me out into bland nonchalance.

    At the time which was years ago I was saying this is how they control people–shake your brains out in the name of fun and cause mini concussions to dull your mind.

    I discovered vitamins early in life and began my own test program–my original thought was biochemical youth and life extension–now I see a lot of what I’ve been taking for years has probably cushioned me from many other things I could not have foreseen.

  2. Yeah, you can see some video clips of some of the more terrifying rides going around. I watch these people screaming in complete terror, really completely freaked out, and wonder about what that is doing to their minds.

  3. I read somewhere recently that calcium gluconate is the only antidote or counteractant or whatever you want to call it–against fluoridated water, but can’t find the reference at the moment. Since other info mentioned “doctors,” I’m not certain if it’s at GNC or non prescription.

    Back to park rides—it was joke to others to see if my eyes were open. When younger felt I had to ride them with others, but never could see the “fun” in it. And one person chiding me that I have “to live a little,” which led me to wonder why a near death experience and freaking out is considered living?

    I like haunted houses and carousels, but the severe barf rides just make me sick.

  4. Gerrissister

    If you don’t think America is being brainwashed by corporate media,remember the campaigns to get us to buy food for large dogs and shampoo for short hair!

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