The Task of Unifying the World Mind


Knowledge Driven Revolution | May 26, 2008

UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy Part 2

By Brent Jessop

As the first Director of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation), Sir Julian Sorell Huxley (1887-1975) wrote a paper entitled UNESCO Its Purpose and Its Philosophy (1946) [1] in which he outlined his vision for the newly created international organisation (which grew out of the League of Nations’ Institute of Intellectual Co-operation). According to Huxley, the guiding philosophy of UNESCO should be what he termed, World Evolutionary Humanism. The previous article in this series described this philosophy and its relation to eugenics. This article will outline the purpose of UNESCO, which is to mentally prepare the world for global political unification under a single world government. It will also introduce the broad reach of tools and techniques at UNESCO’s disposal under the banners of Education, Science and Culture.

Julian Huxley, an evolutionary biologist, humanist, and ardent internationalist held many titles including: Secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935-42), first president of the British Humanist Association (1963), Vice-President (1937-44) and President (1959-62) of the British Eugenics Society. He was also a founding member of the World Wild Life Fund, coined the term “transhumanism” (as a means of disguising eugenics) and gave two Galton memorial lectures (1936, 1962). Huxley also received many awards including the Darwin Medal of the Royal Society (1956), UNESCO’s Kalinga Prize (1953) and the Special Award of the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood – World Population (1959) to name but a few. He is also the Grandson of Thomas Huxley (Darwin’s Bulldog) and brother of author Aldous Huxley.

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3 responses to “The Task of Unifying the World Mind

  1. I find comfort in the Tower of Babel stories.

    And going back to nature and Jurassic Park type chaos theory–the Illuminati/New World Order/et al are an abomination against all that’s decent and genuine in the cosmos.

    The question is whether people can wake up enough in the next free years to fight now, or have to endure centuries of misery for it to break apart in other ways.

  2. “next few years” I meant to write. But “free years” was nice slip.

  3. The only way is to strike the root, instead of just the branches. If you pull up a weed, its roots remain and you just wear yourself out pulling on the visible part of the problem. Not that there is anything wrong with fighting the visible parts of the problem, but if we really want a free country (let others worry about their own countries), then we have to go after the occult theocracy that rules it, ie the Masonic Matrix system. It isn’t enough to just point the finger at the CFR, the UN and Bilderberg. These are just administrative structures that are born out of the Masonic Matrix. So anyone who tells you that the CFR and Bilderberg are the root level is steering you wrong.

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