Homeless man catches fire after being Tasered by police

LancasterEagleGazette.com | Aug 18, 2009

LANCASTER — A homeless man who allegedly resisted arrest Monday night is in the Fairfield County Jail after being shocked with a Taser and catching on fire.

Lancaster police were called out to the 1700 block of North Memorial Drive around 8 p.m. to investigate a report of a man inhaling an aerosol can and then running out in traffic.

Officers said they spotted a man, later identified as Daniel Wood, 31, allegedly placing the end of a can in his mouth and then taking off running.

One officer was able to catch Wood and pushed him to the ground, according to a Lancaster police report.

While struggling with Wood, a second officer pulled out his Taser, shouted a warning, and stunned Wood.

One of the officers then spotted a flame ignite on Wood’s chest, and the two officers at the scene patted out the flame.

Wood was transported to Fairfield Medical Center for treatment of burns to his chest and then taken to the Fairfield County Jail.

Wood was charged with assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest and abusing harmful intoxicants.

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