Daily Archives: December 12, 2007

Foreigners are taking 80 per cent of new jobs in Britain

Britain has ceded its sovereignty over to the EU which now controls its borders and immigration policies. British people have absolutely no say (and therefore no ‘democracy’) over their own internal affairs and so are being radically colonized by foreign invaders as per order of unelected EU “Wise Men”. The true purpose is to so flood Britain with immigrants that the British identity is completely swamped and obliterated. This they have to do because the British, being naturally an independent island people, would not relinquish sovereignty without a huge influx of new blood from Europe and Asia who would be more amenable to integrating with the EU. Brilliant strategy. And now Brown is off to finally sign what’s left of his country away, in person.

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The Times | Dec 11, 2007

by Philip Webster, Political Editor

About 80 per cent of new jobs created in Britain in the past 10 years might have gone to foreign workers, according to an official report last night.

Frank Field, the Labour MP for Birkenhead, released the results of a Statistics Commission investigation after an incorrect estimate of the increase in overseas workers since 1997 by the Department for Work and Pensions.

The Department revised its figures from 800,000 foreign workers to 1.1 million in October. The Statistics Commission report concluded that, of a total increase in employment between 1997 and 2007 of 2.1 million new jobs, more than half were taken by foreign citizens. However, it added that the actual proportion of the employment increase accounted for by foreign workers ranged from just over 50 per cent to just over 80 per cent, depending on the definition of a migrant.

The 50 per cent figure was applicable if foreign citizens alone were counted. The 80 per cent figure was based on a definition by the Office for National Statistics of all those who said they were born overseas, including those who had since become British citizens.

Between 1997 and 2007 the estimated number of workers born abroad increased by 1.4 million and those born in Britain by 0.3 million. In response to a parliamentary question to Mr Field in October, Peter Hain, the Work and Pensions Secretary, stated that 800,000 new jobs since 1997 had gone to foreign citizens. Questioned further, the Government was forced to revise its figures. It emerged that out of 2.1 million new jobs created, 1.1 million were taken by foreign citizens and 1 million by British nationals.

Chris Grayling, the Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary, said that the report had destroyed the Government’s claim of being able to offer British jobs to British workers. “Gordon Brown’s Welfare to Work policies have clearly been an abject failure and all he’s done is create British jobs for foreign workers,” he said.

Gore proposes carbon tax

“I am in favour of a carbon dioxide tax”

Times of India | Dec 11, 2007

by Ronojoy Sen

OSLO: The home of the Nobel Peace Prize is probably not the likeliest of places to talk of global warming. But even as flakes of snow swirled around outside and the temperature hovered around freezing, this year’s recipients of the peace prize – Al Gore and IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri – spoke about the perils of global warming and ways to combat it.

Speaking to reporters on Sunday at the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo, a day before the award ceremony, Gore advocated a large carbon dioxide tax in all countries. “I am in favour of a carbon dioxide tax which should be given back to the people,” he said. He said this in the context on the usefulness of the carbon trading regime. “It is unfair to judge carbon trading because the world’s largest emitter, the US, is not taking part. But the vitality of the markets must be harnessed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions,” he said.

Earlier Gore warned that humanity is facing a “planetary emergency”. Pachauri, who was also fielding questions, said that the world has a window of seven years to reverse the effects of global warming. “The IPCC report has shown that cost of mitigation is not high.” He added: “Merely developing technology is not the answer. We have to make lifestyle changes.”

Both Gore and Pachauri stressed the role of developing countries but did not dwell on recent statements in India that the developed countries must shoulder the biggest burden of cutting back on emission of greenhouse gases. “Each nation is in different circumstances but we have a common future,” Gore said. Pachauri added, “Developing countries are going to be the worst sufferers. They must treat global warming as a crisis.” Gore was hopeful that there would be a strong mandate in Bali, where a UN climate change conference is currently on, to combat global warming.

Gore was asked the inevitable question of whether he would consider running again for the American presidency. He ruled that out saying, “I have no plans to be a candidate.”

Boeing Installs High-Energy Death Ray on C-130 Gunship

WEBWIRE | Dec10, 2007

The Boeing Company has installed a high-energy chemical laser aboard a C-130H aircraft, achieving a key milestone for the Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration program.

Boeing completed the laser installation Dec. 4 at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. The laser, including its major subsystem, a 12,000-pound integrated laser module, was moved into place aboard the aircraft and aligned with the previously-installed beam control system, which will direct the laser beam to its target.

With the laser installed, Boeing is set to conduct a series of tests leading up to a demonstration in 2008 in which the program will fire the laser in-flight at mission-representative ground targets to demonstrate the military utility of high-energy lasers. The test team will fire the laser through a rotating turret that extends through the aircraft’s belly.

“The installation of the high-energy laser shows that the ATL program continues to make tremendous progress toward giving the warfighter a speed-of-light, precision engagement capability that will dramatically reduce collateral damage” said Scott Fancher, vice president and general manager of Boeing Missile Defense Systems. “Next year, we will fire the laser at ground targets, demonstrating the military utility of this transformational directed energy weapon”

The program achieved two other major milestones earlier this year. “Low-power” flight tests were completed in June at Kirtland; the ATL aircraft used its flight demonstration hardware and a low-power laser to find and track moving and stationary ground targets. The flight demonstration hardware includes the beam control system; weapon system consoles, which display high-resolution imagery and enable the tracking of targets; and sensors. The low-power laser, a surrogate for the high-energy laser, hit its intended target in each of more than a dozen tests. Also, in late July, the high-energy laser concluded laboratory testing at the Davis Advanced Laser Facility at Kirtland, demonstrating reliable operations in more than 50 firings.

ATL, which Boeing is developing for the U.S. Department of Defense, will destroy, damage or disable targets with little to no collateral damage, supporting missions on the battlefield and in urban operations. Boeing’s Advanced Tactical Laser industry team includes L-3 Communications/Brashear, which made the laser turret, and HYTEC, Inc., which made various structural elements of the weapon system.

A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world’s largest space and defense businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $32.4 billion business with 72,000 employees worldwide.

Push for More Mandatory Vaccines Leads to Parent Protests

News Inferno | Dec 11, 2007

Vaccines for children have become controversial in some quarters, as concerns over vaccine side effects, and their possible link to serious disorders.  At the same time, a variety of public health officials in some states and communities have moved to make even more shots, such as the flu vaccine and the Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine, mandatory for school children.  This has caused parents concerned about vaccines to become activists, and they are working in a variety of venues in relation to a variety of vaccine issues.

In New Jersey, some parents are hoping to stop the state from becoming the first requiring flu vaccines for preschoolers.  The Public Health Council met yesterday to consider whether New Jersey should require flu vaccines and health department officials are looking to require a pneumococcal vaccine for preschoolers, a booster shot to fight whooping cough for sixth-graders, and meningitis shots for children as young as 11.  According to the deputy health commissioner, the requirements have been approved by the state health department and the governor saying that the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports the requirements; that other states’ public health officials are watching; and that the vaccines will reduce the diseases, hospitalizations, and the need for parents to stay home with sick children.  Some parents say there is inadequate proof the vaccines are safe and effective.  At a news conference Friday, parents protested the new requirements, urging people to call the governor’s office to ask him to stop Monday’s vote.  Parents also urged support for a bill that would allow parents to express “philosophical objection” to vaccine mandates, arguing that it’s inappropriate to dictate what is put into children.  Parents also said most of the available influenza vaccine contains mercury, a toxic heavy metal blamed by some as a cause of autism. Others argue there’s no research showing it is safe to give children all the vaccines required today—over 30 for New Jersey children.

There are also concerns surrounding the cervical cancer-preventing vaccine, Gardasil, marketed to protect young girls from a sexually transmitted disease.  Gardasil was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent against four HPV strains—HPV is responsible for 70 percent of cervical cancer cases.  Recently, 20 states pushed for federal mandates to make Gardasil mandatory for sixth grade girls.  Some feel mandating Gardasil would protect all women.  Others are opposed to a vaccine that prevents a sexually transmitted infection, believing it will lead to promiscuity.  But many others are worried that Gardasil carries significant side effects, and point to the fact that already the FDA has received more 3,000 adverse event reports linked to Gardasil.   The vaccine has been recommended for young girls because they are the least likely to have been previously exposed to strains of HPV, making the vaccine—in theory—more effective.

Meanwhile, parents facing potential jail time lined up at a Maryland courthouse to either prove their children had their required vaccinations or to vaccinate their children in one of the strongest efforts made by any U.S. school system to ensure children receive required immunizations.  School officials realized over 2,000 students in the county still didn’t have the vaccinations they were supposed to have before attending class, so parents where ordered to appear at the courthouse.  Many parents complained their children were properly immunized but the school system had misplaced records.  School officials deemed the court action a success; however, the nearly 900 children still lacking immunizations could be expelled and their parents could be brought up on truancy charges, which can result in a 10-day jail sentence for a first offense and 30 days for a second.

Despite Deaths and Miscarriages, FDA Refuses to Investigate HPV Vaccine

Lifesite | Dec 10, 2007

By John Connolly

ROCKVILLE, Maryland – Rather than investigate thousands of complaints of adverse effects including reports of miscarriage in a Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, the FDA has chosen to ignore the complaints and continue paving the way to make the drug mandatory in schools throughout the U.S.

Gardasil, a vaccine designed to prevent HPV, was approved by the FDA in June 2006 for girls as young as nine years old. Since that time, more than 3,000 adverse reactions were reported to the FDA, including eleven deaths and twenty-eight. miscarriages. The deaths were caused by blood clotting, one case in a girl who was only twelve years old.

Gardasil co-creator Ian Frazer and manufacturer CSL dismissed allegations of the deaths being associated with the drug, claiming the women died of unrelated causes.

The miscarriages were all caused soon after the administration of Gardasil, in girls and women who were not aware they were pregnant. Although the drug’s packaging states there is no evidence it will cause impaired female fertility or harm the fetus.

Despite the complaints, the FDA said it is only concerned about dizziness as a side effect immediately after the administration of the drug. FDA spokeswoman Karen Riley downplayed the miscarriages, saying that girls should have taken the drug before becoming sexually active, not after.

“If you’re pregnant, then it means you’ve been sexually active,” she said. “So it would be somewhat dubious to get a vaccine you’re supposed to have before you’re sexually active.”

Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Virginia have already made the drug mandatory in their schools in an effort to prevent HPV, a sexually transmitted disease and the leading cause of cervical cancer.  Thirty-eight states are considering making the Gardasil vaccine mandatory as well.

Judicial Watch, a U.S. government watchdog organization, gathered the information on the drug’s adverse effects and traced its progress through legislation.  Judicial Watch also noted large donations to key politicians originating from Merck, Gardasil’s developer.

“Merck lobbied for these mandates,” Said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in an interview with Cybercast News Service . “There are moral issues here. But the primary issue is public health and safety. It’s interesting why our government downplays the apparent adverse reactions of Gardasil. Why are drugs with a distinct social agenda getting less scrutiny in the approval process?”

Concerned Women for America (CWA), an organization pledged to protect and promote Biblical values among all citizens, has expressed shock that the FDA would not take the reported incidents seriously.

“It’s interesting so many drugs have taken so long to process and these are approved almost immediately,” said a spokeswoman for CWA. “The refusal to investigate is a disservice to women around the world.”

Daughter killed for not wearing hijab


Aqsa Parvez.

National Post | Dec 11, 2007

Dad charged in daughter’s death

by Chris Wattie

TORONTO – A Mississauga, Ont. cab driver has been charged with the murder of his 16-year-old daughter, who was attacked in the family home after clashing with her strict Muslim family over whether or not to wear the hijab, the traditional Islamic head scarf for women.

Muhammad Parvez, 57, was charged after his daughter Aqsa Parvez died in hospital late Monday.

The victim’s older brother Waqas Parvez, was charged with obstructing police in connection with the girl’s death.

Police were called to a home in Mississauga early Monday morning by a man who told 911 operators that he had killed his daughter.

They found Aqsa Parvez lying motionless on the floor of her bedroom, to all appearances dead, but paramedics found a faint pulse and rushed her to hospital. The teenager succumbed to her injuries several hours later, police said Tuesday.

Const. J.P. Valade would not give any details about the teenager’s killing, but police sources said she was strangled.

Friends of the girl said she had left the family home, where her brothers also lived with their families, about a week before the attack because of arguments with her father and brothers over her refusal to wear traditional Muslim garb, including the hijab.

“She was scared of her father: He was always controlling her,” said Dominiquia Holmes-Thompson, a friend and classmate at Applewood Heights Secondary School, where both were Grade 11 students. “She wasn’t allowed to go out or do anything: That’s why she left.”

Valade would not comment on the possible motive for the killing, but said detectives are continuing to interview neighbours and friends of the girl as well as members of her extended family.

Canadian Muslim groups on Tuesday condemned the attack.

“There should be zero tolerance for violence of any kind against women or girls,” said Shahina Siddiqui, the president of the Islamic Social Services Association.

Faisal Kutty, the legal counsel for the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations, said: We call for the strongest possible prosecution of Ms. Parvez’s alleged attacker.”

Sylvia Link, a spokeswoman for the Peel District School Board, said grief counsellors have been sent to the school to help Aqsa’s classmates deal with the incident.

The flag outside the school was flown at half-mast and a memorial table was set up at the school where friends of the slain teen could write their memories, display pictures, leave flowers and mementos.

Link said school officials are also looking into the case to see if there was anything they could have done to help Aqsa or students in similar situations.

“We want to see what we can learn from this tragedy,” she said.

Valade said police and prosecutors have not yet decided whether to charge the dead girl’s father with first- or second-degree murder, but they have until the beginning of his preliminary hearing to make that decision.

Parvez is scheduled to appear in a Brampton court today on a bail hearing.

Baby tax needed to save planet, claims expert

News.com.au | Dec 10, 2007

By Jen Kelly

A WEST Australian medical expert wants families to pay a $5000-plus “baby levy” at birth and an annual carbon tax of up to $800 a child.

Writing in today’s Medical Journal of Australia, Associate Professor Barry Walters said every couple with more than two children should be taxed to pay for enough trees to offset the carbon emissions generated over each child’s lifetime.

Professor Walters, clinical associate professor of obstetric medicine at the University of Western Australia and the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth, called for condoms and “greenhouse-friendly” services such as sterilisation procedures to earn carbon credits.

And he implied the Federal Government should ditch the $4133 baby bonus and consider population controls like those in China and India.

Professor Walters said the average annual carbon dioxide emission by an Australian individual was about 17 metric tons, including energy use.

“Every newborn baby in Australia represents a potent source of greenhouse gas emissions for an average of 80 years, not simply by breathing but by the profligate consumption of resources typical of our society,” he wrote.

“Far from showering financial booty on new mothers and rewarding greenhouse-unfriendly behaviour, a ‘baby levy’ in the form of a carbon tax should apply, in line with the ‘polluter pays’ principle.”

Australian Family Association spokeswoman Angela Conway said it was ridiculous to blame babies for global warming.

“I think self-important professors with silly ideas should have to pay carbon tax for all the hot air they create,” she said. “There’s masses of evidence to say that child-rich families have much lower resource consumption per head than other styles of households.

But the plan won praise from high-profile doctor Garry Egger. “One must wonder why population control is spoken of today only in whispers,” he wrote in an MJA response article.