Neo-Nazi Group Joins Adopt-a-Highway | Jan 24, 2009

by Giuseppe

A Missouri-based detachment of the Nationalist Socialist Movement, the political party which follows in traditional Nationalist Socialist footsteps, has joined the states Adopt-A-Highway volunteer litter pickup program, taking advantage of a first-amendment ruling won a number of years ago by the Ku Klux Klan, a white pride movement established in Tennessee in 1865.

A half mile section of Highway 160 right at the exit from Springfield has been adopted by the district’s Nationalist Socialist movement, volunteering to pick up trash and keep the area clean in exchange for having their name on the Adopt-a-Highway sign next to the road – a move, which has outraged a number of those most offended by the association with Nazi Germany and other historic issues.

The state and transportation department responded to those most offended on Thursday, saying that due to First Amendment rights, and the right to protect free speech – especially that of unpopular speech, such as Nationalist Socialist beliefs – gives them no legal way to reject the application.

“It’s a First Amendment thing, and we can’t discriminate as long as they pick up the trash,” said Bob Edwards to the Associated Press, from the state’s transportation department.

A number of political analysts believe that case demonstrates an interesting perspective and the importance of the power of free speech from those who have found themselves offended by the beliefs and associations of the group.

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