Alex Jones And Charlie Sheen Are Filthy Whores For The Priest Class Elite | Mar 5, 2011

By Lee Rogers

There is no question that Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen are minions of the priest class elite that are pushing ahead the world government agenda.  The recent interview Jones conducted with Sheen that featured Sheen making incredibly bizarre and deranged comments on his radio broadcast has served as a launching pad for the purpose of generating one of the biggest media distractions of 2011.  Even a week after the interview this and other information related to Sheen is still being discussed on cable news broadcasts, entertainment and gossip related television shows, sports talk radio and even on financial news networks like CNBC.  It has also allowed the globalists to introduce Jones as a cult of personality figure within the world of pop culture to masses of people that only care about sports scores and reality television.  This operation of introducing Jones to the mainstream in a big way is more proof that much of the conspiracy and alternative research community is largely controlled and steered by agents, gatekeepers, provocateurs and other assorted bought and paid for shills.

Before we dig deeply into the interview itself, it is important to note that Jones and Sheen have quite a bit of history together.  In 2006, Sheen appeared on the Jones show and said that he had questions about the 9/11 attacks which launched a media blitz that effectively cemented Jones as the so-called leader of the 9/11 truth movement which was reaching its peak at that time.  It also associated the entire 9/11 truth movement with Sheen who had been linked to drug use, prostitution and other bizarre behavior.  It effectively associated legitimate research and information with an individual who had been previously presented as an unstable figure all over the corporate media.  Curiously enough, Sheen would become the highest paid television actor following his role in this operation which was likely a reward for his participation.

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  1. Pingback: Could Charlie Sheen’s “breakdown” be an act? | Aftermath News

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