How Jewish is Nathaniel Rothschild?

Is he too Blue to be Jewish?

Jewish Chronicle | Oct 30, 2008

Nathaniel is at the centre of a row involving George Osborne, whom he alleged requested illegal donations to the Conservative party. But is this one of the Jewish Rothschilds?

For: The Honourable Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, known as Nat, is the 35-year-old scion of wealthy Jewish banking family the Rothschilds. His father, Jacob Rothschild, is the fourth Baron Rothschild, who follows the financial family’s charitable interests in Israel and is the chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the family foundation which gave the Knesset and the Supreme Court buildings to Israel. Nat is director of the Rothschild Foundation, which aims to support and strengthen Jewish life in Europe. He has been linked with Hollywood’s haimishe princess Natalie Portman, and says he would like to meet a nice Jewish girl. Now, could this be the ultimate 100% man?

Against: Oy, if only. It’s not that bankers have suddenly become less-than-eligible son-in-law material. It’s that Nat’s mother, the Canadian Serena Mary Dunn, is not Jewish. Plus, educated at Eton, Nat went on at Oxford to become a member of the distinctly Waspish Bullingdon Club, famous for its drinking binges – and we’re not talking Palwin. And far from being obviously neurotic, Mr Rothschild had a distinctly unstereotypical reputation as a playboy. He also married Annabelle Neilson in Las Vegas, without the help of a rabbi.

Verdict: His blood is too blue to be Jewish.

So we say he is 48% Jewish


Nathaniel Philip Rothschild


The Honourable Nathaniel Philip Victor James Rothschild, known as Nat, (born 12 July 1971) is a British financier who is Co-Chairman of Atticus Capital LP, a 2004 Young Global Leader, and a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family of England.

Nathaniel Philip Rothschild is the youngest of four children and only son of Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild and Serena Mary Dunn, whose grandfather was the Canadian financier and industrialist, Sir James Dunn. As the son of a baron, he is entitled to be styled “The Honourable”.[1] He was educated at Colet Court (in the same year as George Osborne), Eton College and Wadham College, Oxford. Rothschild was a member of the Bullingdon Club as an undergraduate, at the same time as George Osborne now the Conservative Party shadow chancellor.[2]

Rothschild began his career in 1994 at Lazard Brothers Asset Management in London, before joining Gleacher Partners, the New York-based mergers and acquisitions (M&A) advisory firm founded by Eric Gleacher, former head of M&A at Morgan Stanley and Lehman Brothers.

Rothschild is the co-chairman of Atticus Capital LP, an international investment management firm established in 1995, that has offices in New York and London. He is also a director of RIT Capital Partners plc, and a director of The Rothschild Foundation. In 2006, he was appointed chairman of Trigranit, a Hungarian developer of which he is a major shareholder.

Rothschild is a member of the Belfer Center‘s International Council at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and the International Advisory Council of the Brookings Institution. He is also a member of the International Advisory Board of the Barrick Gold Corporation. He was nominated as a “Young Global Leader” by the World Economic Forum in 2005.

7 responses to “How Jewish is Nathaniel Rothschild?

  1. So what? If he sees himself as Jewish, he is Jewish. This is my own particular case. I am Jewish after my father and Romanian after my mother, truly devoted to Israel and Romania, as well. I am, also, a citizen of the World. My close friend and Romanian first bestselling author, Pavel Coru’, is, also, a citizen of the World/

  2. Pingback: Baron David de Rothschild sees a New World Order in global banking governance « Aftermath News

  3. I am Jewish and I can’t stand Zionists or Israel.

  4. I applaud you. People can’t help the circumstances of their birth, but at least they can use their minds to think and understand the truth. If we can deprogram all the races this way, we have a chance a saner, more just world that thrives on truth instead of lies and corruption.

  5. Stephen Lindsey

    Damn he’s goodlooking.

  6. Clayton Jones

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the Rothschilds are Khazarians who migrated from the former country of Khazaria. The vast majority of Khazarians were Jews by conversion as mandated by the King of Khazaria. It’s possible that not a drop of Jewish blood runs through Nathaniel’s veins. What’s up with that?!

  7. Clayton, only 12-17% of Ashkenazic Jews have any Khazar blood, which is less than the number of whom have Slavic blood, which is less than the number of whom have full or almost-full Israelite blood.

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