WeAreChange Confronts Rockefeller on New World Order Crimes


The head of the Beast in America, the top of the stinking pile of  treasonous globalist garbage, David Rockefeller

Magnificent work boys! This is exactly what I have been saying we should do instead of just protesting the government. Protest and expose those elites who are the true rulers behind the scenes, the top bosses giving orders to their minions in the government. And that is exactly what the superstar patriot activists, the WeAreChange Truth Squad is doing. This is equivalent to confronting Baron Jacob Rothschild, Queen Elizabeth or King Juan Carlos outside their homes. But in this case it was David Rockefeller, the patriarch of the most powerful family in America.

You must remember 9/11 in light of the fact that David Rockefeller called for a “catastrophic event” to get a New World Order and that Nick Rockefeller admitted he knew of what he called “the Event” at least 11 months before it happened (Google Aaron Russo+Nick Rockefeller). Then know that all the top establishment political minions (Gore, Clinton, Bush, Cheney etc) pledge their allegience to this piece of crap and serve in his shadow government, the CFR. So you best start informing everyone you come across of who the true enemies of America are.

And that address is: 146 65th St, between Lexington and 3rd in Manhattan.

Anyone in NY can go and wait for this scumbag to emerge from his little castle and let him know what you think of him.


WeAreChange Confronts Rockefeller on New World Order Crimes


Luke Rudkowski, Tom Foti and other members of WeAreChange.org confront David Rockefeller, kingpin spokesperson for the New World Order– who has stated in his autobiography that he is an ‘internationalist and proud’ and not only intends to destroy the sovereignty of the United States in favor of world government, but claims to have set in motion ‘irreversible’ actions to that end.

Rockefeller has used literally hundreds of intitutions and foundations– many of which he or his family’s dynasty have founded– to pursue world government, including the most notorious organizations, all of which he covers in the ‘Proud Internationalist’chapter of “Memoirs”– the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations, amongst many, many others.

WeAreChange founder Luke Rudkowski– a freelance reporter for INFOWARS.com– used the book Memoirs to seek an autograph in excuse to approach and confront the aging traitor outside of his New York home.


24 responses to “WeAreChange Confronts Rockefeller on New World Order Crimes

  1. It was certainly interesting to see D. R. being somewhat confronted as to his supposed role in 911. However, Mr Rockefeller nor any other person can be directly implicated in a conspiracy on 911 because although there is ample after-the-fact evidence of complicity and even possibly being a party to the attacks, there is no evidence linking any party to the implementation of the attacks. It is obvious that 19 hijackers could not have pulled off the attacks without help from people within the US government. But the fact remains that there is no direct link to anyone. Mr. Rockefeller should in all probability be brought before the US Court system but not for 911. He should be brought to trial for crimes not only against the United States but for crimes against all Humanity. I would suffice to say that there are links from Darfur, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela and many others that lead directly to the coffers of the Rockefeller family.

  2. Of course, the Rockefellers profit from wars, CIA coups and all the rest of it. They have been involved behind the scenes in just about every major social disaster of the past hundred years. They use crisis to get order, order-out-of-chaos, problem-reaction-solution. They have the orgnizational skills, financial means, the method and the motive to carry these crimes against humanity out, or at least the power to order others to do so.

    Fact: Charles Manson was justly convicted for the Tate/Labianca murders though he did not actually do the killing, yet he orchestrated and ordered them.

    Fact: The Rockefellers are members of the infamous Skull and Bones, devoted to a total takeover of the US economy, military and government.

    Fact: David Rockefeller is the defacto head of the US shadow government, though in old age his power is being gradually distributed out among those in his inner circle.

    Fact: All the major implementers of 9/11 (Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc) pay their allegience to David Rockefeller and his globalist organizations. Dick Cheney, for example, has been a director of the CFR (though he always kept it a secret from his constituents and supporters.)

    Fact: David Rockefeller called for a catastrophic event to get a New World Order.

    Fact: Rockefeller’s CFR called on Bush to use 9/11 to get a New World Order.

    Fact: David Rockefeller admits he is involved in a conspiracy to subvert US national sovereignty and set up global government.

    Fact: According to Nick Rockefeller, his family was well informed about the 9/11 long before it happened.

    At the very least, those who can be proven to have prior knowledge of the plot are guilty of terrorism, accessory to mass murder and for treason – all capital crimes.

  3. I of all people would love to accuse a Rockefeller of all of these charges however the only facts that you have referenced that are founded are:
    Fact: David Rockefeller called for a catastrophic event to get a New World Order.

    Fact: Rockefeller’s CFR called on Bush to use 9/11 to get a New World Order. but certainly not in these words.
    In court transcripts Charles manson did not orchestrate the killings nor did he plan them.
    The Rockefellers are not members of the skull and bones.
    Though David Rockefeller is in extremely high positions there is no proof that he indeed is the head of a shadow government.
    If anything the people you say pay their allegiance to Rockefeller actually pledge their allegiance to Isreal and the British monarchy.
    The point in my first post is that though it may seem that these accusations are true the fact remains that there is no evidence that proves such claims.

  4. Oh my god ! Why you dont kill him !! je serais près à sacrifier ma vie pour le bien de l’humanité.
    Rockefeller is terrorist number one.

    sniiiiiper ! ! ! you kill kennedy and you dont kill this hiero de puta ! :-O

  5. how about the fucking Rothschild Family?
    i think that they are the superior amongst fucking Rockefeller!

  6. You are right, but they are based in the UK and France mainly. But I don’t believe either of them is really the very top of the NWO. I tend to believe it is the royal families, especially the Windsors. Others believe it is the Pope or the Black Pope (Jesuit General), but that ignores the fact that it is these elite bloodlines that are the real rulers behind the scenes. Feudalism was always the problem for humanity and so it remains.

  7. It makes me laugh when think about the top 100 richest people in the world. #1 was Bill Gates with something like 45 billions. The Rothschild family have from 50 to 500 trillions that means 50 000 to 500 000 billions but nobody really knows because Rothschild’s institutions(Banks and such) were and will alway be owned/leaded/controlled by a Rothschild.

  8. Right, but I would add the royal families to the real list of the super-rich, particularly the Windsors.

  9. Rockefeller and the Rothchilds etc are satanists fulfilling the book of Revelations agenda.

  10. There is a few pictures of D.R.,where you can see in his eyes that he is an illuminati, his eyes have no colours.U can see the suffering, and the violence in these eyes.

  11. I’m not so sure that psychopaths suffer in the sense that ordinary people do. They seem to have a way of turning their emotive content into perverted pleasure in the same way that sadists and masochists do. So they are constantly recycling what would be normal emotions into into more fuel for the fires of their wickedness. You have to always remember that they believe they are superior godlike beings far above the rest of us. Never waste your compassion on elite con-artists. Their sole aim in life is to rape, rob, enslave or destroy you.

  12. You know you are all missing the real evil behind all these people which is the devil and all his daemons, because the RFID chip will be used to control all the buying and selling. That is what revelations also say. That no one without the mark of the beast will be able to buy or sell. Rev 13 verse 17. Most of you might not believe in the bible and in Christ but hopefully you will now that you can see how things that are foretold in the bible is becoming a reality.

    O and also killing any of these Rockefellers or Rothschild’s wont stop any thing. They will succeed and if not they the one’s who are next to follow them and so the end will come. Know one will ever know exactly when that will be. All one can do is try do show as many people as possible the truth before that happens so that perhaps they can also be saved before judgment day.

  13. Domitius,

    What is going to happen to the billions of believers in other religions?

  14. I know what I believe is going to happen, but the question is what do you think is going to happen?

    Do you(or every one who doesn’t really believe in something) think that what every one believes is false and that they’ve been misguided and that we will all suffer the same fate when we die or do you’s believe that there is only one true religion and those who don’t believe and follow it will suffer a different fate(hell) when they die then those who do believe?

  15. I think it flies completely in the face of reason and common sense to believe that everyone on Earth who came before Jesus – if he even existed – and everyone else on Earth – billions – who was brought up – usually nominally – in all the other religions or no religion, are all, simply because they didn’t BELIEVE, going straight to hell to burn in eternal torment when they die.

    In fact, a person who believes such nonsense, is not rational, is to some extent insane, if insanity is the measure of a person’s grasp of reality.

    I am not picking only on Christians. All the religions have equally insane notions about reality, or unreality, but since mostly Christians come here demanding I believe as they do, I tend to focus on the Christian religion.

    But one of my central themes is that religion is founded and perpetuated by the elites to control the masses. You find that the heads of all the religions are Illuminati, the wolves controlling the sheep.

    As far as what the future holds, it is completely within the will of the people. If they do not wake up soon, we will find ourselves in a literal hell on Earth. If they do wake up, then we will have vastly increased truthfulness, peace, harmony, freedom and happiness in the world.

    The religions, especially Christianity, have a vested interest in seeing to it that life on Earth becomes a real living hellfire and brimstone tribulation Amageddon experience for everybody except the Elect, those who consider themselves “Saved”. For the high occult, they need to destroy the old before bringing in the new. Christian sheep actually want all this evil to happen because the reality is, they are like the footsoldiers of the Illuminati, fanatically protecting their Plan for chaos and destruction to herald the “return” of the Sun God from the House of Pisces into the House of Aquarius.

    The average Christian doesn’t know this and when you confront them with it, they immediately assume you are of the devil and attack you for telling them the truth. So their mind-control is absolutely rock-solid in most cases, though maybe if they study the Illuminati deeply enough, the spell will be broken. I can only hope.

  16. Before I comment on your previous statement, just tell me.

    How do you believe did the human race and earth and it all come to existence? Was it evolution the big bang theory or was it created by a supernatural being?

    And when we die what will happen to us then will we just seize to exist or what?

  17. What does it profit a man to gain all the riches on earth if he loses his soul–these people are the most miserable and unhappy people on earth-because the only happiness a person can enjoy is the happiness they give others (returned to them). These degenerate, demonically possessed insane sociopaths will never know peace or happiness or love because they can’t give it . They can only destroy and harm and make others lives a living hell-so in turn their daily life is a living hell. They have no souls they are not a part of God anymore-they will be destroyed by the very Satan they worship. They are a pathetic sad cosmic joke. Those who hoard money while others starve–end up in complete poverty in their next lives, but Rockefellers & Rothchilds all end up in Hell for all eternity. The sins of the father-who sold his soul to satan-will be suffered by his children.

  18. New world Order

    are you guyes serious!!!!

    these guys are punch of idiots,New world of order is not for United states its for the rest of the world.

    man u have to read the book many times…


  19. What are you talking about? The NWO is for the entire world including the US which is going down along with everyone else into the pit.

  20. I’m really curios as to how these guys are involved in the current financial crisis the western world is suffering

  21. Allen Dulles (CIA: JFK, MLK, Vietnam, and John Dulles (State Dept.) were sick Cons. They introduced, exploited, and brainwashed wealthy American and European families. The Dulles brothers convinced wealthy families to fund Eugenics and the Nazi party. John Dulles (Red Scare, Cold War) preached about “OneWorld” government (Brave New World). Allen learned brainwashing from SS Nazi soldiers. The Dulles brothers are dead, but their BNW (brainwashed) Drones are busy bees!!
    David Rockefeller is a confused old man, who along with his brother Nelson, were used as straw men and brainwashed by the psycho-sociopathic facist Dulles brothers.

  22. scottishfarts

    Jesus Christ Himself will defeat the Rothschilds. They will be tormented in hell for all eternity, because of their greed and arrogance. They should havehumbled themselves, given away all they owned to the poor and followed Jesus Christ.

  23. Frustrating to watch. I appreciate the attempt to confront this scum bag, but I do not appreciate the barely intelligible voice audio and sophomoric heavy metal sound-track that’s about 3 times louder than anything else. Stop trying to be clever and hip, and make a decent fucking recording, otherwise you’re just making a bad impression on an extremely serious issue.

  24. Jennifer Chen

    Like all rich people he is miserable-because he causes misery=you get back what you give-the universe is 100% fair-those who hoard money-are starving for other things just as valuable that money can never buy-all are equal-these capitalists who believe in inequity are cut off from God-the money they steal as hypocrites from others to whom the earth is shared equally to all-are their victims-he will soon be even more miserable in Hell until he pays for all the suffering his money hoarding caused others-that’s a long time-to hoard money you will never use while others starve is sin-giving value to money or any barter instead of sharing all equally and loving one another enough that no one would want less for another than what they have themselves is what keeps all human in Hell-make life Hell or heavenly for each other it is you choice and you get back the same-human beings are pure evil-the sooner you kill each other off-the better for the rest of the universe-you can only destroy life-you will never evolve into angelic beings-instead you worship the rich-demons like davidR a sociopath-insane-and miserable-and regress backwards into demons yourselves.

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