Ex-Mexican prez: Yes, there will be an amero (whether you like it or not)

Vicente Fox confirms long-term plan worked out with President Bush

WorldNetDaily.com | Oct 9, 2007

By Jerome R. Corsi

Ex-Mexican President Vicente Fox last night on CNN

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox confirmed the existence of a government plan to create the amero as a new regional currency to replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican peso, in an interview last night on CNN’s “Larry King Live.”

It possibly was the first time a leader of Mexico, Canada or the U.S. openly confirmed a plan to create a regional currency. Fox explained the current regional trade agreement is intended to evolve into other previously hidden aspects of integration.

According to a transcript published by CNN, King, near the end of the broadcast, asked Fox a question e-mailed from a listener, a Ms. Gonzalez from Elizabeth, N.J.: “Mr. Fox, I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency?”

Fox answered in the affirmative, admitting he and President Bush had agreed to pursue the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas – a free-trade zone extending throughout the Western Hemisphere – and that part of the plan was to institute a regional currency from Canada to the tip of South America.

“Long term, very long term,” he said. “What we proposed together, President Bush and myself, it’s ALCA, which is a trade union for all the Americas.”

ALCA is the acronym for the Area de Libre Comercio de las Américas, the name of the FTAA in Spanish.

King, evidently startled by Fox’s revelation of the currency, asked pointedly, “It’s going to be like the euro dollar, you mean?”

“Well, that would be long, long term,” Fox repeated.

Fox noted the FTAA plan had been thwarted by Hugo Chavez, the radical socialist president of Venezuela.

“Everything was running fluently until Hugo Chavez came,” Fox commented. “He decided to combat the idea and destroy the idea.”

Fox explained that he and Bush intended to proceed incrementally, establishing FTAA as an economic agreement first and waiting to create an amero-type currency later – a plan Fox also suggested was in place for NAFTA itself.

“I think the process to go, first step is trading agreement,” Fox said. “And then further on, a new vision, like we are trying to do with NAFTA.”

CNN posted video of the interview but did not include the questions from listeners, during which Fox commented on the amero.

Last week, WND reported BankIntroductions.com, a Canadian company that specializes in global banking strategies and currency consulting, is advising clients the amero may be the currency of North America within 10 years.

Coin designer Daniel Carr has issued for sale a series of private-issue fantasy pattern amero coins that have drawn attention on the Internet.

WND also reported the African Union is moving down the path of regional economic integration, with the African Central Bank planning to create the “Gold Mandela” as a single African continental currency by 2010.

The Council on Foreign Relations has supported regional and global currencies designed to replace nationally issued currencies.

In an article in the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs, entitled “The End of National Currency,” CFR economist Benn Steil asserts the dollar is a temporary currency.

Steil concluded “countries should abandon monetary nationalism,” moving to adopt regional currencies, on the road to a global “one world currency.”

WND previously reported Steve Previs, a vice president at Jeffries International Ltd. in London, said the amero “is the proposed new currency for the North American Community which is being developed right now between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.”

A video clip of the CNBC interview in November with Jeffries is now available at YouTube.com.

WND also has reported a continued slide in the value of the dollar on world currency markets could set up conditions in which the adoption of the amero as a North American currency gains momentum.



AmeroCurrency.com is an informational website. The site’s construction and maintenance consume time and money. As of August 2007, AmeroCurrency.com invites financial support from users and began marketing Amero “fantasy medallions.” All financial support will be as anonymous as possible, or honored on a page on this site, as preferred by the donors. This site is an effort to inform Citizens of all three nations addressed herein, to maintain the sovereignty of each and all.

30 responses to “Ex-Mexican prez: Yes, there will be an amero (whether you like it or not)

  1. A while back a group of us were eating at Waffle House, and my friend began talking about this to the waitress. Surprisingly, she actually already knew and had heard about it, but then just got a defeated look on her face and said it’s going to happen anyway, we can’t do anything about it and walked off.

    We were stunned and choking on our food at her surrender.

  2. Well, I’m not surrendering. I’m willing to die, not fighting wars for the Illuminati, but for freedom itself. How ’bout you all out there?

    The Illuminati is composed mainly of the ultra rich trillionaire international banksters, freemasons, zio-nazis, jesuits, popes, cardinals, commies, fascists, mobsters, kings and queens, etc, etc. They represent all forms of tyranny and enslavement. They are diabolically tricky and manipulative by nature, violent and cruel in temperment, sophisticated in intellect and elitist and cold as ice, having no empathy for the common man. In short, they are very reptilian in nature, not that they are Ickian shape-shifters, but that they have had their humanity and humility bred right out of them. Therefore, they are nothing better than lizards crawling around on rocks in the desert, each thinking it is a king or a queen. In fact, I rather like lizards better. Much better.

    My point is, we have to get to the root of the problem, or it is just going to get worse. If the world doesn’t wake up to the Illuminati, then no matter how hard little groups fight against one agenda or another, they are bound to fail because there are always going to be enough useful idiots on the other side (who don’t see how they are being manipulated by the Illuminati), who are going to defeat your efforts. It is called Divide and Conquer and they can’t do it without us.

    So the real issue to me is getting people to wake up out of the Right/Left Paradigm and realize that the Illuminati does exist. Even though the Illuminati is controlling and manipulating the entire world, most people still don’t know that they exist! Pretty good trick, wouldn’t you say? So how can such an ignorant population expect to live in freedom? Rediculous. It cannot. So the real solution is to enlighten the entire population about the Illuminati, who they are, what they are trying to accomplish and ways to stop them. Stop the problem at its roots or you will never stop it any of it.

  3. If Canadians have to use the same currency the US does, they won’t be able to get American beer so cheap. No one in Canada would support this move.

  4. First of all you stupid morons, he’s referring to ALCAN which is a free trade agreement, not a currency change.

    The amero is a conspiracy theory created to speculate about North American markets going berserk because of the sub prime mortgages in the US, gimme a break.

    Besides, being the gringos the way they are (pompous, self-centered pricks) they’d never agree to a currency change.

    Use your little brains and think about what would have to be done for the world’s biggest economy to change their currency; read and educate yourselves more and THEN make intelligent remarks.


  5. You didn’t bother to watch the video Roberto. Fox acknowledges a N American currency in the “long term” which could be four or five years when they plan to have this thing in place. Acknowledges it twice. You are a racist and you ignore what is going on for whatever psychopathic reasons you might have. The only prick I see is you.

  6. Hey Roberto,
    Why don’t you go make yourself useful and mow some lawns. Honesly, intolerance has nothing to do with the size of an american brain or any other brain in general. Why shouldn’t we be a bit resentful of all you beaners who have the gaul to smuggle half your families over here, live off our taxpayers dollars and pop out little bambinos by the dozen in our healthcare system which you are by no means entitled to. Your wives hop our borders and push out a couple chalupas in one of our hospitals. Obviously, a hospital cannot turn your women away as she is pushing something out of her taco so you have an instant American citizen and you will strive at all costs to keep them in this country. I am quite sure that if we were going to your country and living off your system your kind would feel the same. If you think not think again. So why don’t you make yourself useful and give me some quality yardwork, you little cockroach. We might be able to educate our children more if our money weren’t pouring into a funnel of waste on the account of your kind’s ruthless behavior. You don’t even have green cards and you are obviously driving cars and endangering lives. The list goes on so I will save my fingers. Think twice before you judge Americans. You teach us how to treat your kind.

  7. to fokky wokky stop saying racist comments because the only smugglers where your white chowder eating parents that crossed the atlantic to fulfill their pockets and licke u said to get a instatnt nationality to who(to You)!!, at least us mexicans we only cross a few steps and we are her, bu yall(yawh)! :) have to row yaws boat across the atlantic, . hitler desendent.

  8. union norteamericana (amero)”” la verga”” hojala y no incluyan a mexico viva la unasur no lo vamos a permitir

  9. What is this an ignorance party? Before you blame immigrants for ruining your country have you ever wondered WHY they come there in the first place? Have you also ever wondered what may be happening in their homeland,m and whether your country has anything to do with it?

    Apologies for punctuation problems

  10. Racists on both sides of the border stink. What this is about is the elites of both governments setting up a totalitarian global system by stealth, using deliberately created racial tensions to get their “New World Order Out Of Chaos”.

    If you can’t handle the truth, bug off.

  11. pj

    I would be tickled to just stop the gassings, mutilations and violations.

    Ritual Abuse is not healthy.

    Heck, with the trillions drained from the USA, they could as well toss a couple of billion to me rather than mutilate.

  12. i found some great video’s on
    talking about the amero go to main page then click on the left where it says silver video’s

  13. Their plan is working! They have you fighting among yourselves until you finally destroy each other. Wise up and spread the love!!

  14. That’s all I’m trying to say. The plan is Divide and Conquer. I want people of all countries to be on the same page regarding the New World Order, understanding what it really is, a diabolical totalitarian global government system brought in by stealth – of, by and for the elites, evil men and women of power who lie constantly to the public about their real agenda.

    Love, I reserve for the good people who really want the truth. Others are either deliberately obfuscating and instigating on behalf of the elites, or they are just crazy or they simply prefer the comfort of ignorance.

  15. You’re correct….it will come out of CHAOS> they create the trap and then bring the cure. its such an old trick. I think more people don’t want to wake up cause it’s just that. Waking up. Dropping your customs and your habits, understand there is a person standing behind that curtain. and yes, it’s scary.

  16. Precisely. You have the right perception of the situation and the direction we need to take. And yes, the more you understand, the more horrifying it is. You go through a phase of this fear, which takes a few years of opening to reality, seeing the shocking truth, gathering up your courage and continuing to probe deeper. At some point, your human indignation kicks in and you get more courage and sense of justice. That’s when the slaves get mad, rebel and refuse to take it any more. That is how it has to go, but then we have to have constructive ideas on how to live more harmoniously in a post-Illuminati world. That means starting from scratch, from the basics.

  17. Isn’t this all about power..external power? What happened to internal power? Loving those who hate you. Separating your ego from spirit?
    Could that be the point of all this?

  18. I would say it has to be both internal and external power for humans to survive the Illuminati’s ongoing psychological and physical onslaught against them.

    And you may love whoever you wish. I have no love for mass-murderers myself, but that’s just me.


  20. http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/amero.asp

    This story is old and fake ….check the above website .

  21. Your tired-ass attempt to debunk is old and fake.

  22. So how do we fight the Illuminate? I don’t think my hunting rifle will be any match for their weapons.

  23. Get bigger weapons.

    Also, the states must break away from the District of Columbia’s dictatorship. Secession. That is the only way. You cannot take back something that was never yours to begin with.

  24. Racism on either side should dissappear, cause we need to be all together on this. Racism could be fueled only to divide peoples even more.

  25. The amero, real or imagined, has been discussed on the internet for five or six years that I can remember. As far as the resistance of individuals, lets remember that the US government in the recent past did everything but declare martial law and the American people still demanded more security. The formula works the same in any country.

  26. Hundreds of negative subjects/ Billions of opinions, But what is the out-come of an scenario, that by any means cannot imbrace an Real ,and tangible- Survival for only a chosen few, That if they gain the Whole World, What will they have accomplished.?

  27. They will reach their supposed apotheosis, because it isn’t just about money and power, it is about a religious system of belief. That system is the mystery religion of the ancient world carried on for thousands of years (in many forms including Freemasonry) in which the elite rulers over us all become more and more godlike, more and more superhuman as a part of eugenics and “evolution”. All the while, they must pose as our benevolent saviors while they destroy the old and bring in the new, The New World Order, that is…

  28. Wow that was pretty harsh. True, but harsh.

  29. Harsh, but true. Brutal, but honest.

  30. I have not given up but surrender I shall just to fight another day.

    Obviously, they have recruited all the smart people on-to their side.

    All we have left is hippies and unmotivated people who show no intentions on having a good idea on how to infiltrate this cancer in our world.

    Hopefully once everyone is chipped we will start a up-rising and if that doesn’t work maybe a secret society of our own would do?

    Lets recruit Ron Paul!

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