Is Big Brother watching you?


We’re rapidly turning into a surveillance – or Big Brother – society.
It’s almost exactly five years to the day since the terror attacks on New York & Washington. At the time US President George W Bush said we had entered a new kind of war – a war against people who hated freedom. But the question is: has our freedom become the victim of this war? Governments around the globe have brought in a whole host of policies and procedures, in the name of the ‘war on terror.’ For instance, laws that give security services access to our financial, travel, and telecommunications records. There’s also been an explosion in surveillance and identification technologies – such as national ID cards, biometric passports and surveillance cameras. In the Netherlands alone, over a dozen such privacy-restricting measures have been introduced since 2001. The popular reason of those in favour is “extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.” Critics say we’re rapidly turning into a surveillance – or Big Brother – society.

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