Mexican Government to Give 200,000 GPS Locators to Illegals to Help Them Sneak Across the Border

WorldNetDaily | Jan 1, 2007 

Here is the key thing. To get their free GPS units the illegals must register with the government to announce their intention to illegally cross the border and the Mexican government is facilitating this. Now, do you see either Bush or his buddy Nancy Pelosi jumping up and down with outrage over this? No, and you will never see them deliever anything but empty lip-service to it at best, if that. And to what country do these government aristocrats hold their allegience to? The answer is none, but unto themselves, their elite clique of money-grubbing degenerate inbred globalist scum. They are in power because they love power, but they tell you it is because they are “serving” the country. Total BS. Do not believe it for one second. They are in power because they are serving themselves. The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) is to provide security and prospertity for them alone. It is the same with Homeland Security. Its only purpose is to provide security for these elitist dirtbags in office. It has absolutely nothing to do with providing security for America which is the sole Constitutional function of the federal government. That means its job is solely to secure the borders and defend them from aggressors. Period! Look it up in the Constitution. (Oh yeah, and to maintain a postal system and print the money, okay.) But do they do this? No, they do everything but that, and that is only because they are systematically dismantling America from within to consolidate their power and wealth even more than it is already. This is the most evil thing that is happening on the planet today. Destroying America is the most dispicable and diabolical thing anyone can do because America is the last stronghold of freedom in the world today. So when you see Bush and Pelosi prancing around, you are looking at the face of pure sickening evil. Do not buy into the Republi-crat paradigm. Step away from it and please do something to fight them and bring them down. They are only flesh and blood like you and me. They cannot keep this up if enough of us fight to overthrow them. Please do whatever is in your power to save America.


Handheld navigation aids for illegals crossing border

Mexican officials expect some 200,000 devices will be handed out when the project is officially launched
Illegal aliens crossing the U.S.-Mexico border will reportedly be given handheld satellite devices by Mexican authorities to help them survive their illicit journey.

Migrants who get lost or sick during the four-day crossing will be able to activate the high-tech device to alert police on both sides of the border.

“Our intention is to save lives,” Jaime Obregon, coordinator for the state commission for migrants in Puebla, the Mexican state behind the project, told the London Telegraph. “There are lots of people looking to cross and we are working with the U.S. authorities to make sure they do not die on the way.”

Ironically, the satellite tracking requires would-be illegals to register their intentions at the outset of their journey, despite the fact secrecy is a usual component for successful entry into the U.S.

Still, Mexican officials expect some 200,000 devices will be handed out when the project is officially launched this year.

4 responses to “Mexican Government to Give 200,000 GPS Locators to Illegals to Help Them Sneak Across the Border

  1. Hi All,

    Well I know that all of you don´t love “Mexican” people, but, well I can not defend all the Mexicans, because I know there are some of them who are not so quite “decent” or “good people”, but like all, always there are good ones, and bad ones.

    I know that you maybe know more “bad” ones that good ones Mexicans… but well, I think you are ina big mistake, the false or hoax notice about the 200,000 GPS is a true HOAX, no one in Mexico knows about it!.

    I don´t know who exactly starts this false rumor or notice, you can try to search all the Internet and you will not find anything of that notice in a Mexican site, btw if this is a new law, this will need to be published in the “Diario Oficial de la Federación”, and trust me, is not there. I took the time to search all the Internet and ask to some Newspaper workers about this notice… and it´s false.

    I think the Mexican goverment has to much needs before spend millions on this kind of “services” or “plus” to the immigrants.

    I will ask to you to reconsider this notice, and to reconsider all you are talking about Mexicans, not all of them are bad guys… I will not promote myself, but trust me, the real life in Mexico City and other ones, is soooo different like you think, maybe you need to travel to the real Mexico cities, and see by your eyes all the kind of people who lives here, (i´m not talking about Cancun, Acapulco o Puerto Vallarta).

    Well, I hope this helps you to get a more clear idea of this false notice.

    Best Regards,

    Christian Castillo

    P.D. I live in Mexico City, I have traveled a lot of times to USA, Canada, and some to Europe, Asia and Southamerica, and always I try to know well the things before speaking about them… think twice next time.

  2. Why doesnt the Mexican Gov. take the money that there spending on the GPS units and build a damn economy? Thats why there comming over here in the 1st place, is for jobs, money, a chance to live. I dont condem them for wanting somthing better, I blame their gov. for not doing anything to give them a chance. But on the other hand, its still illegal and needs to be stoped, not encouraged.

  3. fuck you all and your family ! except da mexicans

  4. Yah Brown Power and fuck everybody else is your wonderful philosophy…commie.

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